Exercising in Dallas Even Though Big

on 9/2/07 1:42 am - Dallas, TX

Even though I just had my revision one month ago there is something I have learned in my 54 months of being post op from the original RNY.  Exercise is the key to sustained weight loss.  I have been fortunate to get my eating, vitamins, water exactly where they should be.  I have yet to become one of those people who LOVE exercising.  One of my goals is to have exercise become a daily habit just like taking my vitamins and meds is.  In four and half years, I have never once missed a day.  I need that kind of discipline when it comes to exercising.  It is tough at 450 and 423 and 356 and 330lbs.  What I know is that I don't have the luxury of skipping meds or vitamins because the potential consequences are too great.  I am working hard to get that same belief system and practice in my head about exercise.

Just in case getting enough exercise is an issue for you, I wanted to share an experience I had from yesterday.  I am looking for every opportunity to incorporate habits that will support my exercise goals.  Yesterday I checked my mailbox and found a mailer from the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas in it.  Usually they run a special membership offer every January called "Join Now and Pay the Day".  The usual joiner's fee is equal to the date.  So if you join on the 1st, your joiner fee is $1. Join on the 2nd and you pay $2…you get the picture.  I figured I would have to wait until January to re-join and save the approximately $100 joiner's fee.  Also, the Y is great about considering all members of the same household as a family to get their family rate.  I took receiving the mailer as a sign from the universe and took myself to the Park Cities YMCA and rejoined. It felt great to save money and do something good for myself too. All the YMCAs I have been to in Dallas have great facilities, classes, sports, health and fitness equipment, and caring staff.  You can get more info at www.ymcadallas.org or 214) 880-9622.

On a side note, when I arrived my favorite staff member from years ago was at the desk and she looked great.  She was delighted to see me and shared that she had gastric bypass.  See it was just meant to be that I joined.  I get exercise equipmen****er aerobics, trained staff, fitness assessments, and a supportive bariatric person on site. Anyone want to join me at the Y? p.s. The YMCA's offer includes: Coppell, Downtown Dallas, Frisco, Garland, Grand Prairie, Irving, Kaufman County, Lake Highlands, Lakewest, Lewisville, McKinney, Moorland, Oak Cliff, Park Cities, Park South, Plano in Legacy, Richardson, Rockwall, Russell Creek, Town North, Waxahachie, and YMCA at White Rock.)


 Ann in TX
Starting 423/Current 320/Goal 190             
Loss since 7/30/7 revision= 36 lbs released
                 Defeat is simply a signal to press onward.
                                                                           Helen Keller 
on 9/3/07 2:46 am - Magna, UT
Ann, Congratulations on re-committing yourself to exercise!  I live in Utah so can't join you at the Y, but, I do exercise regularly here.  I am very solid in the 4 days a week category, but, always strive for 5 days.  Seems when I go to 6 days, my body gets injured. (I have knee problems and plantar's fascitis in my left heel).  One thing I do to keep myself motivated is wear a pedometer every day of my life.  What id does is makes me always take the longest way possible, such as always parking at the far end of the lot, always walking my shopping carts all the way back into the store, taking stairs more than elevators, etc. etc. We are here to support you in this quest Ann!  You never regret a workout!!!! Hugs, Lori
Karen The Papaya

on 9/3/07 9:56 pm - somewhere
I am lucky in that we have a gym in the office.  So once I was cleared for exercise I made a promise to myself that if I was in the office I had to do the gym first.  So far I've stuck to that promise.  It's hasn't always been easy, but it feels good to know that I'm doing what's right for me! Hugs,

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/07 7:20 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
'Atta girl, Ann, on commiting yourself to exercise.  I think you are absolutely right that it's one of the keys to losing weight and keeping it off permanently.  For me, the other key is tracking my food and weight on a daily basis.  Small prices to pay for the significant improvements to my health over the past two years.   Enjoy that new membership at the Y!!!  I used to do water aerobics at the local Y, but they closed their pool (think insurance got to be too expensive).  But the folks at the Y were always great, and I love to support their work.  Keep working on that regular exercise until it's a habit too!  It may take a while, but it will be worth it! Have a fantastic day -  Kellie
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