More rambling thoughts...

(deactivated member)
on 8/31/07 11:38 am, edited 8/31/07 11:40 am
I have had a lot of little things happen lately so i thought I would continue with my 'rambling thoughts' from last month. So, here it is, my week in a nutshell. 1. I think I mentioned this before but I came home Sunday to find my apartment flooded - soaked carpet, ceiling falling apart, etc. I have spend the week in a humid, moldy apartment and got to say, it does not motivate me to do much of anything. the good news: I have a new, non-moldy ceiling and will soon be getting brand new carpeting! yeah! 2. I went shopping today for underwear. I've bought some underwear since I've lost weight, but it was always at Lane Bryant. Well, those are too big now so I went to Kohl's (my new obsession!) and spent 30 minutes staring at the underwear selection - I had no idea how the sizes work! I must of looked confused because a sales lady came up and asked if I needed help. I told her I had no idea how to tell what my size was and I've got to say the look on her face was priceless - after collecting her thoughts she said "so, have you never worn underwear before?" That sent me into hysterical laughter and I couldn't catch my breath enough to even explain. She picked out a size 6, said that looked about right and went on her way. So, I guess I'm a size 6 in underwear (why in the world do the have different sizes anyway? Just to confuse me???  ) 3. I am hiking my 14er this Sunday! I am so excited I have already packed my backpack! I'll be sure to put up a report when i get back. 4. Something I have noticed lately with men, i wanted to see if anyone else has experienced it. I work in a church, which is typically very "huggy" - everyone has to hug you. Well, it use to be that I would get these great bear hugs from both women and men. Now, the men hug me from the side. I mean, all of them do that. And it is always this tentative hug, as if they are scared to touch me. I've noticed this with other men too, they are much more cautious around me when it comes to physical contact. I'm not sure if I should be annoyed or grateful. 5. I FIT INTO 10's in pants!!!! ( well, all but jeans, but I'm not talking about that %$#&* experience)   6. And finally, a thanks to all of you for the good wishes with dad - it has been an exhausting month but I do have some good news. He has been doing unbelievably well and they think they may have finally figured out his breathing problem. If they have, then we can forget about the ventilator and hopefully he will go to rehab soon. He is really doing well again, is off the ventilator and is beginning to do a lot of stuff on his own. I don't like to get my  hopes up too much, but things are looking up. I'm hoping to get caught up on all of your lives this weekend - i finally have time to breath and catch up this weekend. Love ya guys Pam
Mary S.
on 8/31/07 11:55 am - Central Florida, FL
Hi Pam - glad to read about your week... sorry about the apartment troubles... I came home from surgery to a broken a/c - 'twas miserable.... so, I feel your pain.   Thanks for the laugh on the Kohl's underwear story!!!  It's been so long since i wore "regular" undies, I've forgotten too!  But when you mentioned a 6, i recalled wearing 5's in college.... Hope you have a great next week!
(deactivated member)
on 9/3/07 2:07 am - San Antonio, TX
I'm so glad your dad is improving again! We have a small leak in our ceiling when it rains.  They've come out to fix it numerous times and have repaired a bunch of spots but still haven't found the source.  I stare at that spot a lot and it really chaps my hide, because we pay a pretty high rent and I shouldn't have freaking water spots!  (My poor husband is sooo tired of hearing about the spot!) The underwear story is priceless!  I've gone down two underwear sizes now.  Woohoo!
on 9/3/07 2:51 am - Magna, UT
PJ, I can so relate to your underwear experiences.  I am a size 8 now.  I have had to buy various sizes and styles to find what is comfortable for me.  I actually have about 10 pairs of 7's I hope to fit into someday!  I think that after my tummy tuck it will make all the difference for me as it is hard to fit a skin apron into underwear that aren't supportive. I have noticed some of the same things with men in the hugging department.  I guess they are just worried that their wives will notice they hug you when you are now a possible competitor????  Weird though.  I still don't think of myself as a competitor with anyone. I'm glad your Dad is doing better.  I have a father with severe health issues and he lives 700 miles away and I feel a lot of worry about him. Big Hugs, Lori
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