on 8/29/07 7:26 am - VALLEJO, CA

Hi everyone, I  just got off the phone with my surgeon, I explained that I had that pain again in my stomach right under my rib cage..and then extreme dirarah(sp) She wants to do surgery. Remove my gallbladder and look for a internal hernia. I was so shocked, I didn't even ask her what the recover time was.. Her surgery coordinator is suppose to be calling me back to arrange a time. She is about an hour from my house in Burlingame,near the San Francisco Airport. She doesn't want me having another attack, and going to the ER near my home, and having another surgeon operate on me who she said wouldn't know what they were looking for.  Anyway anyone else every had any of these problems? I am scard but glad to be getting this taken care. Thanks for listening.. I will write more when I get more information.  Lynn

on 8/29/07 8:05 am - Glendora, CA
Best wishes to you Lynn! I had both gallbladder and internal hernia surgeries done, but thank goodness mine were a few months apart!  I thought each of them were easy recoveries and hope they are for you.  I also traveled an hour away for my surgeon, well worth it! I live across the stree from my local hospital. Hope it all goes smoothly!
I know I can, I know I can
on 8/29/07 8:18 am - VALLEJO, CA

Hi Jan, Thanks for you recall how long you were off work? I work in a small office, and it is very difficult when one person is off an extended period of time. They still give me a bad time (joking) about the month I took off for my RNY.. Thanks, Lynn

on 8/29/07 9:10 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Lynn, I think I posted before about my wierd lumpy tummy that moves like a baby pain... yet it is a ventral hernia.  When they did the sonagram they found gall stones, yet claim the gall bladder looks "unremarkable"  I figured that if there are stones.. they might as well take the gall bladder too right?  Anyways, I may be able to get all this covered plus a pannictemy all done with one co-pay!  I'm still in shock!  I really shouldn't be posting this until I get definate confirmation my my insurance company...but I just couldn't wait to share.    I still am having a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea of getting this "apron" cut off..let alone ME going into a plastic surgery office???? I hope that the recovery time is quick for you as I also wish for myself.  Yours sounds too painful! Hugs, Ginger
on 8/29/07 9:23 am - VALLEJO, CA

That is awesome, who suggested get the panni at the same time? Your surgeon? I wish mine would have done that. Any idea when you will get yours done? Thanks for responding Lynn

on 8/29/07 9:45 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Lynn, I am not at goal yet, but a gal on the Arizona board happens to work at a plastic surgeon's office that specializes in post bariatric skin issues.  She suggested that I make an appointment for a consult just to see.  That was last Thursday.  Had to take off my clothes and get pictures taken lifting the skin and showing a reoccuring rash etc.  That was the absolute worst part..but very nessasary! I also brought the sonagram report that had all the "inside info" and a copy of the prescription for the rash.  I guess insurance companies like to double-up in's cheaper for them.  I'm still holding my breathe waiting to see if this goes through.  There is no way I would be able to do the panni if I am self pay.  I feel like I'm on pins and needles..almost like waiting to get wls approval...but NOTHING can really compare to that waiting period.  Do you have enough time to go that route? Hugs and smiles, Ginger
on 8/30/07 12:26 am - fort wayne, IN
greetings lynn i haven't had any hernia experiences, but did have my gallbladder out last april. it was done laprascopically on a friday, and i was at work on monday. it was the easiest thing i've ever been thru! i had my rny open - this was my first experience with a laprascopic surgery -- and i was really impressed with how easy it was. hope your surgery goes as well for you, although the hernia will probably complicate it. best of luck to you! deb
Sherry K.
on 9/2/07 4:57 am - Blooming Glen, PA
Lynn, I had hernia surgery last week, much to my surprise!  I had been having bad pain off and on a few times, and my surgeon was afraid it would strangulate, so he fixed it.  Because it was not an emergency, he fixed it laparoscopically.  I have 4 small incisions, 10 staples.  I was only off work 2 days, so that's not too bad.  I hope it stays fixed! Sherry
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