Emotional/ Stress eating

Kelli Jo
on 8/22/07 2:19 am - Katrina Land, LA

I haven't been on here in a while... mostly cuz I have gone thru so many terrible things in the last year... honestly I couldn't deal w/ much of it and then added was work being so demanding... I fell very sick the beginning of this year and was put on steroids for a while and was told to stop working out. Basically cuz of the mold in New Orleans, my asthma went crazy..yes it's way after the hurricane but they started making it mandatory that buildings be torn down , and in doing that the mold was released in the air.  I gained about 30 lbs and have gained even more since... I feel it on me.. it is discouraging and being that I came from 399 I'm thinking..omg what if I get over 300 again... close to it like 290 now... I was feeling so good and the doctor had me on appetite suppressants for a while which I felt wasn't helping cuz I was still gaining weight..so finally took myself off...well I was even hungrier and more tired...but I don't want to do those again..I don't see where they help.  I wonder sometimes what people think...if they thought I would do this... my oldest girl makes fun of me now...though she is heavy..she now calls me fat... and thinks it's funny... she never supported my surgery.  I know I definitely do not want to ever be so large again...and this extra weight makes me feel so uncomfortable..I wonder how I was so heavy b4....and I never thought I was an emotional/stress eater until I look back on what I've been thru the last year and realized I am.

on 8/22/07 4:43 am - Sacramento, CA

Hi Kelli Jo,  I feel y our pain. However I think it the steroids that are making you gain weight. Talk to your doctor and see if there is something else they can put you on. I know my mother was put on one and gained weight, her brother did to. They tried to give them to me once and I didn't take them.

I really would like to incourage you to try and get started again. Your tool is still working and you can lose those extra pounds that have creeped in. So its back to basics for BOTH of us. I want you to know that I was just going through the same thing but i told myself I would never let myself gain more than 5 pounds and that was it. I saw that number go up and it scared me being over 400 pounds again is not an option for me nor you. You have done so well and can do well again.

About your daughter... If I am over stepping my boundary then just say so. She sounds to me like she was jealous about you losing weight. I think she utilized your weight as a comfort for her own issues. She loves you she just dosent know what else to say.

Well I am glad you are back and I hope to continue to hear from you often I am here if you ever need to talk.






Kelli Jo
on 8/22/07 4:54 am - Katrina Land, LA
Oh thank U so much Lorraine....  U hit it right on the nose w/ my daughter!!!!  I think that is the case...she is larger but claims she likes being larger..yea right... and so when I got under her weight she seemed upset, and now that I'm over it again she wants to make fun of me... she says it as if she's joking but she's not. Yes I do feel the bulk of the weight is the steroids and I've actually been off them a few weeks...I told my doctor I just couldn't take them anymore and so we weened me off them and I took myself off a lot more meds they had me on for my asthma... and I actually feel better! Yes we are definitely both starting over and can be an encouragement to each other...thank u so much!  I felt so much better smaller and want to get back to where I was and then some...  Again thank u so much... that means a lot.
on 8/22/07 7:55 am - Sacramento, CA
No problem, thats what we are here for to help eachother through this. Ok so now make a plan start off small and gradually increase everything an watch how happy you will be. If you need some suggestions I have a ton of them. I am planning on joining weigh****chers because the plan works. I know Lori the one who opens the gym attends the meetings too and she is my inspiration. So if it is good enough for her it is good enough for me.  This will get better and we shall be THINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kelli Jo
on 8/22/07 8:16 am - Katrina Land, LA
YEP!  I agree!
on 8/22/07 12:17 pm - Midlothian, VA
My dad is about 25 pounds overweight , but only worries about 10 of it which he gains and loses over and over.  He has been jokingly saying he has found the secret to losing weight.  First you have to quit gaining.  He really does have a point. So once you get to that point of not gaining, give yourself a big pat on the back.  You can do it one day at a time.  I admire you for coming here and talking this out. As far as your daughter goes, you have a choice about whether or not you allow her to call you fat.  It is very disrespectful and I doubt you disrespect her in anyway.  Think about this. i wish you all good things.  Hugs, Loris

                                     Loris  344/119@ 5'2" Below Goal                    
                                     Lower body lift  10/17/2007
                                     Upper body lift     1/23/2008



Kelli Jo
on 8/22/07 11:28 pm - Katrina Land, LA
Thank you so much... lol your dad makes a lot of sense!  Oh yes, I did tell my daughter the other night the very thing u just said... she said she was just joking (yea right) but I told her I don't call her names and she will not call me names. She is 18 now and at times thinks she can do things she didn't use to but like I told her up till when my mom died I never disrespected her, nor will she me.
on 8/23/07 12:41 am - Sacramento, CA
The good part about kids being 18 is..... We can put them out of our houes . My 18 year old daughter thinks she can do anything she wants. I told her to try that when you have to pay the bills. She gets the picture now. Lorraine
Kelli Jo
on 8/23/07 1:18 am - Katrina Land, LA

Oh yea...well for the most part she is a good kid... but it's been more recently that her personality has changed some... and oh yea I've been there as well ... I told her as long as I am her hotel and her taxi then she does what I say!

Jeanine F.
on 8/23/07 12:50 am - Clifton Park, NY
Isn't it sad that family can hurt us most??  Why do we give them that much power over us?  Isn't it bad enough the food seems to have power over us at times?  I recall my mother criticizing my weight all my life (from age 8 - present day, I'm 54)  When I announced I was going to have the surgery, she stupidly said "Why?"  I started to cry and tell her I was tired of the 40 year old battle to lose weight.  Do you think she took me in her arms like a mother should?  No.she just started in on her speech about how I will live longer and how soon can I get it done???  She is 82 and not about to change her ways, so it must be ME who changes. It must be ME who filters out all the negative comments and focuses on the task at hand.  Don't pay any mind to your daughter. Think of yourself and your goals. Welcome back here and let us help you through the rough times. What is your plan to get back on track?


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