What are you doing RIGHT today?
One of the other boards I visit has a regular post about what have you done or are planning to do that's the right thing to do. Since several of us are having compliance issues right now, I thought we might benefit from a similar thread for a few weeks. So I'll get things started:
1. I planned my meals for the day and packed everything I need to stick with the plan.
2. I will go to the gym twice today. Once to lift weights for upper and lower body. Second visit to do 40 minutes on the elliptical trainer.
3. I will take my vitamins today.
4. I will drink at least 64 oz. of fluid (water/Propel) today.
5. I will NOT beat myself up because I've gained a few pounds in the past 2 weeks. I will use that gain as a reminder that I need to be mindful on a day-to-day basis about what I eat and regular exercise.
6. I will be grateful for the support and friendship I have found at OH.
What are you going to do (or have you done) right today?
1. I will not graze/snack today
2. I will drink at least 75oz of water
3. I will take all my vitamins
4. I will chew my food better
5. I will look at how far I have come instead of how much skin I have hanging....ugh
6. I will enjoy my size 16 clothes instead of trying to calculate how long it will take me to get to a size 14. Considering I came from a size 32
The only person that is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Live while you are alive
Hi Kellie
I am glad you posted this today, maybe we should do it everyday.
1. Went to the gym elliptical trainer 35 min and weights 30 min. done
2. planned out meals for the day have everything I need at work.
3. vitamins done
4. Water working on it I will get atleast 64 oz
5. protien shake 40 grams done
6. I will NOT beat myself up because I've gained a few pounds in the past 2 weeks. I will use that gain as a reminder that I need to be mindful on a day-to-day basis about what I eat and regular exercise too.
7. I will support all of my OH family when they need it.
Hi, Lorraine! Glad this worked for you. Sometimes it helps me stay accountable if I've "published" my plan to the internet-universe. I plan to start a "Do Right" post each weekday for a while. I'm not usually online much during the weekend, so can't commit to starting this thread on Saturdays and Sundays. Hopefully it'll help those of us who are struggling focus on the positive instead of the negative so we can push through this phase of our journey.
What I have done right today (so far):
1. I went to the rec center and did my cardio/strength training, and even though I didn't want to, I went to the other rec center and swam for a half-hour.
2. I stopped eating my lunch when I felt full, even though I still had some bites of hamburger and six small squares of jalapeno pepper jack cheese left on my plate. I resisted the urge to keep shoveling the food in until my plate was clean.
3. I did not stick my head out the car window and call the person who jaywalked in front of my car while I was zooming down a major thoroughfare a clueless f*^k.
4. I did not overspend when buying Powerball tickets for tonight's drawing.
OOOh I really like that ideal, because I know if intend it, and put actions to my intentions, then the results I am striving for will happen. So with that being said here are mine
1. I will take in my 60grams of protein
2. I will drink my 64oz of fluid, will plan my meals like I plan my day
3. I will use my bar bells to develop my upper body strength
4. I will ride my stationary bike 4 miles per day
5. I will not compare my weight loss to anyone else, my body knows exactly
how much to remove, based on what I am doing.
6. I will embrace these wonderful folks I have found in this forum and value
their knowledge and compassion.
One more thing, since I have joined this forum, I have went from having 3 friends to 9, that is pretty cool...

I love what you've put here!!!!!!!!!!
Well yesterday talking to ya'll really refreshed me...
So, I decided to try the Pouch test...and figured today is just as good as any as I can do protein shakes at work for Thur/Fri and then go to the solids over the weekend.
I already have my protein powders at work in containers and my boss (YAY!) took my idea and got rid of the candy dish and is bringing in fruit a few days a week..so I grabbed me an orange out of there... I know I'll need that cuz I have low blood sugar...which was easily maintained b4 on mostly shakes but since I've been eating wrong lately... I don't want to take a chance.
I plan to do the protein shakes every 2 hours if I need.
I woke up and drank 12 oz of water immediately... and b4 I left the house drank a protein shake.
Got to work and am drinking water and a small cup of coffee... I use to drink decaf everything but when I got off the appetite supplements I went to caffeine..though a small amount ...I'd love to get off it again.
I also agree w/ everyone and I am not going to beat myself up over my weight gain as it will serve no purpose, but look forward to getting back on track, or atleast the attempt to...which is better than not trying at all.
I am not sure about exercise today as I have to go to Open House tonight at my child's school.. and it's too hot to do anything outside...but I do have one of those big balls at home I've been wanting to try.