Gym Is Open (Tuesday)
GRR! What a day so far!
I had to take my new-to-me-mobile to the Honda doctor to get the wheel well lining replaced (it fell off one day and I ran over it). It was supposed to be a quick job. Well, it was a quick job, I just wasn't the first one in line, I guess. I arrived at 6:44 AM and didn't leave there until 9:15 AM. I could have left at 9 when the car was done, but the mechanic neglected to note on the invoice where he parked my car, so the dealership drone had to scour the lot for a generic looking white Honda Civic. Oy!
I had to rush to my HMO to get my 1-yr labs done (fasting), so while I was waiting for my car, I got to watch everyone at the Honda doctor's customer waiting room wolf down free donuts and coffee, and nothing for me, not even an Atkins bar.
Made it to my HMO at 9:30, and the lab was so crowded they didn't get to me until 10:10 AM!
After all that agita, I went to the rec center and did 35 minutes of in-line skating machine on level 2, and then only did one weight machine before I decided I'd had enough, I was hungry and cross, and so I went outside and ate two snacks and sat in the sun.
My sister wants to go to aqua movement tonight, so I'll get in an hour's worth this evening.