Rededicating my commitment
This is a difficult topic for me but I must put everything on the table. I have been on a fast road going down slowly. Recently I gained 5 pounds and felt like everything was over that I was on my way back to 455 pounds. I felt alone and was beginning to fall into depression and this was not a good place to be in. I began to eat and eat and eat. I was waking up in the middle of the night eating all kinds of things slowly falling. Then I got on the scale and to my surprise I had gained??? How did that happen?? Well I will tell you how that happen not doing what I was suppose to do is how that happen… Not exercising and taking good care of myself… that I show that happen. I read about it everyday and vowed that it wouldn’t happen to me and it did. So what do I do now???? Get ready for this because it may help you one day too…… GET UP OFF YOU A@@ AND QUIT IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is time for a change and guess what it is inside of you… you just have to figure how to make it happen like NIKE says “JUST DO IT”. No more excuses just do it will be my new motto. I know this may not make any since to some but two weeks of doing wrong is long enough and I feel as if I have come a long way from were I use to be. In the past I would have kept on eating until I gained all of my weight back…. That isn’t going to happen I am on my way to 250 right now I am back at 287 but that’s ok I know what I have to do and I am DOING IT!!!!!
Gym at 4:45 am 65 min of cardio
Protien shake
One day at a time is all I can say.
Lorraine, I swear there must be something in the air lately. If you saw my posting about no longer being AWOL, you'll see that I had similar issues. In my case, I found myself eating slices of Kraft American Cheese (which isn't even really food, if you read the ingredients!) all the time. I'd wake up at 3 AM and eat cheese.
I'm back on track now, and I'm glad to hear you are, too. I missed you, girlfriend!