Gall Bladder Surgery Has Kickstarted Weightloss!

on 8/15/07 10:32 pm
I guess this is good news.  I had my gall bladder out 3 weeks ago Tuesday.   I had never had an attack or anything, so it was a surprise operation.  The surgeon said it was full of stones, the size of a baseball, infected and "really nasty".  I saw him yesterday for my post op check and the only limit  I have is no heavy lifting for 10 more days-darn, I was going to do the cement block throwing contest-lol!  But the really great news is that I have lost 24.5 pounds since the surgery.  I had been craving chocolate almost to the manic state if there was none in the house and had no energy at all, not to mention I was also craving carbs and eating both the carbs and chocolate AND gaining weight.  I am no longer craving the carbs and chocolate and now I am LOSING  weight.  I am still not back to the lowest I was, but it is only 14 pounds away and at the rate I am losing 1-2 pounds every day or so, I should be back to that weight in a few weeks.  I have my 2 year post op check in October and would absolutely LOVE to be in Onderland by then or at least be half the weight I was at the initial appointment, but that would mean losing 30-37 pounds in the next 7 weeks.  Is that an impossible feat?  Maybe, but I am going to try.  Onderland is a really big goal for me.  I have been there since sometime in the 6th grade, over 34 years ago.  I remember it well, they weighed us for the President's Physical Fitness b.s and not only was I the tallest student at 5'7", I was the heaviest at 176 pounds.  One teacher weighed us and then hollered-this is Georgia, they holler-the information to another teacher who posted it on the blackboard for all to see.  Humiliation was an understatement.  No way could they get away with doing this now.  But anyway the gall bladder surgery has been a blessing in disguise.  While it hasn't been fun, it has me losing again,something I thought was over since I have now gone passed the 18 month honeymoon period.  I am glad I am not craving the carbs and chocolate anymore and I don't really miss them, they were only taking me to a bad place.  I hope my energy levels pick up in a couple more weeks.  I am feeling better, so hopefully that will happen.  So many people have said the standard, "you have lost so much weight, you must be feeling wonderful", but I never did-I felt like crap all the time and I wonder how much of that was the nasty gall bladder.  Well I am going to hush, didn't mean to write a novel. Hugs, Janie
(deactivated member)
on 8/15/07 10:51 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Good for you, Janie!  I'm glad the carb monster has been stuffed back into the closet where he belongs - what a devil he can be!!!   Good luck on your continuing journey - watch out Onederland, here she comes!!! Kellie
on 8/16/07 12:06 am - Ontario, CA
YAY Janie!  Glad to hear that the cravings are gone, your weight loss has been jumpstarted and that you are feeling better!  I never had to be weighed in school, I can imagine that was horrible!

31 lbs lost before surgery
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/07 2:52 am - San Antonio, TX
In Texas schools they are planning to start body fat analysis on students.  My old school district is starting this fall.  I don't know how private the information will be, but I forsee disasters for the fatter kids-like the hollering of percentages across the room, etc.  Its just wrong and will probably be another way to discriminate in school.  There was also a big study released recently about how fat kids miss more school and obesity is a predictor for drop out rates, teen pregnancy, and HIV.  Add that study with body fat analysis in school and its a recipe for disaster.  Infuriates me.  Anyway, besides that, congratulations on the weight-loss jumpstart and away with the cravings!
Vicki C.
on 8/16/07 2:45 pm - Small Town, OH
Janie, I don't know how old you are, but I had the same experience in 6th grade, exactly, except that I weighed 202.  I will never forget the humiliation either.  I see many people on this board who want to get back to some weight that they remember--high school, college, wedding, etc.  Me, I want to weigh less than that poor, miserable sixth grader.  That will make me a very happy camper.  Good luck to you as you are within a reasonable distance from that goal.

Hugs, Vicki
488/244/150  Panniculectomy -- 40 lbs off on September 12, 07.  

"Weight loss surgery is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle, and seeing how little you can eat. Portion control is the key to all weight loss operations.  Bottom line-- it isn't how much you can eat -- it is how little you can eat."    ~ Dr. Terry Simpson 

on 8/16/07 9:13 pm
Vicki, I am 46 and I think my experience happened when I was 12, which would put it around 1973. Hugs, Janie
Vicki C.
on 8/17/07 4:50 am - Small Town, OH
Well, since I am a bit older than you (got married in 1974), I think it probably happened for me in about 1963.  Just sorry that abominable behavior went on for another ten years or more!!  It is a shame that I remember it so well after 40+ years, as I know you do as well. 

Hugs, Vicki
488/244/150  Panniculectomy -- 40 lbs off on September 12, 07.  

"Weight loss surgery is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle, and seeing how little you can eat. Portion control is the key to all weight loss operations.  Bottom line-- it isn't how much you can eat -- it is how little you can eat."    ~ Dr. Terry Simpson 

Michelle B.
on 8/18/07 6:48 am - Pennsauken, NJ
Hi Janie Glad to hear things are going well for you since your gallbladder surgery.  I am supposed to have mine out soon - I have no symptoms, my surgeon sends you for a routine ultrasound every 6 months, and low and behold, I have stones, sludge and polyps.  Although everyone keeps telling me it's a 'simple surgery', I don't care, to me, any surgery is not simple or just because I went through gastric bypass, doesnt mean I am eager to jump back into the operating room anytime soon.  So I'm really scared.   Can you tell me anything and everything about your gallbladder surgery? Did you have it lap or open?  If lap, how was the gas buildup afterwards?  Are you still out of work?   Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate it. You can email me directily:  [email protected] Michelle
on 8/19/07 1:31 am
Michelle, It was laproscopic, the gas was not as bad as with my gastric bypass, but I was walking within an hour of getting back to my room after surgery which I think shocked the staff.  It was not as painful to me as the wls, but everyone is different.  I do not work, so that is not an issue, but if I did, I would have probably taken at least 2 weeks off if I had a sit down type job.  I still get tired if I overdo and Boyce keeps reminding me that I had major surgery because of a nasty gall bladder and to take time and let my body heal. Hugs, Janie
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