on 8/14/07 3:08 am - Philadelphia, PA
Today is Kix's one year anniversary.  Kix you have been my secret hero for awhle.   You really show what a lady can do when she puts her mind to it. Best of health and luck in the rest of your journey. Jeanne
on 8/14/07 3:41 am - Boron, CA
Ditto for me Congradulations KIX you are my hero

on 8/14/07 2:29 pm - CO
Thanks, Diana, and as hot as it was here in Colorado today, that beer icon looks pretty tasty!  I have never been much of a drinker, but on a scorching hot day, an ice cold beer really hits the spot.  Of course, it's not on my menu as a post-op, but a girl can dream! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 8/14/07 5:17 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Happy anniversary, Kix!  You've made such fabulous progress in 1 year; you're an amazing example for the rest of us and I'm glad you're around -  Kellie
on 8/14/07 2:27 pm - CO
Thanks, Kellie, and I appreciate your wisdom as a longer post-op with regard to exercise and eating.  It helps to know that when we hit the potholes on this weight loss road, others have hit them, too, and made it through safely. Kix



Valerie M.
on 8/14/07 5:22 am - newfane, VT
And although I've never really introduced myself, or really posted much, you are my secret hero also. I read (and laugh) at your postings...and have read your profile with such hopes and inspiration... Congratulations on such success in the past year!
on 8/14/07 2:25 pm - CO
Don't be afraid, step out from behind the curtain and introduce yourself.  We're all friends here!  Thanks for the kind words! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 8/14/07 5:40 am - San Antonio, TX
Ditto on the secret hero thing, you totally rock.  Happy anniversary Kix!
on 8/14/07 2:23 pm - CO
Thanks, Dunny, and just think. by this time next year, you will have just celebrated your one year anniversary as a loser!  Who'd have thought we'd actually like being called losers? Have you and your hubby seen "Stardust" yet?  I didn't want to see it because I'd read it was a fantasy, but I'm glad I did.  It was fantasy, but had plenty of comedic elements as well.  I laughed myself silly the entire two hours. Kix



(deactivated member)
on 8/15/07 8:18 am - San Antonio, TX

We haven't seen it, I wasn't sure if it was any good, but I'll definitely look into it now.  We are planning to see Superbad Friday but I wouldn't mind going out tonight and right now movies are about all I can handle in terms of going out. 

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