No Longer AWOL

Love Marie My Space I am a Army mom

Kix, I gotta admit I am not a football fan, thou my entire family belong to the "Raider Nation" As you know I love the Oakland A's. I have been to alot of games this season, it has been sooo much fun, and if you can believe it I have not hit up the consession stand once. Been bringing all my own water and healthy snacks. It is so darn expensive anyway. A tiny bag of peanuts for 4.50. The sugar thing ha**** me hard... my boss keeps a big bowl of peanut M and Ms on his desk. I started by just trying 1, then 2 now I grab a handful. It just makes me sick that I have done this. It started when he was on vacation.. thank goodness he is back.. I would never let anyone see me do this. So glad to have you back Lynn