Weightloss Since Gall Bladder Surgery

on 8/11/07 12:04 am
While this has not been a fun time, my gall bladder surgery has been a Godsend.  The big thing is that it seems to have rejumpstarted my weightloss.   I have lost 20 pounds from the weight I was in the hospital before the surgery-WOOOHOOO!  The other thing is that I was craving chocolate really bad.  I mean to the point of obsession if we didn't have any chocolate in the house.  Now, I could care less.  I am also not craving the carbs and other "bad stuff" that I was indulging in either.  This is something I am going to discuss with the surgeon when I see him the 15th for my follow up appointment.  According to my calculations since my backsliding, I now need to lose "only" 66 more pounds to reach my personal goal.  At the rate I am currently losing now, I should get there before Christmas!  Not worried about ps or anything since I never had a really big overhang and wearing a girdle seems to have worked a bit of magic.  I just want to be able to wear size 16 pants.  Size 14 would be fabulous, but I will accept a 16 then I could really shop in "normal' stores.  Now if Boyce would only win the Mega Millions and we could build our dreamhouse life would be good.  Nothing really extravagent, just a climate controlled, comfortable house.  Marge will agree with me that this HEAT is oppressive!  It was over 100 the past few days and we are in North Georgia, so South Georgia is even worse!  And next week they have predicted 106 degrees.  Even the birds are hot and their ancestry is the African Congo and the Australian outback!  The dog just flops wherever she can and we do pretty much the same thing.  When it gets too bad we grab Mollie and take a road trip in the a/c.  Even with the gas prices it is still cheaper than the electric bill would be.  We tried cooling the house when we first bought the house, but the a/c ran 24/7 and the house never got below 90 degrees, so we use a huge old(older than me) window fan that I think my Mama bought with Gold Bond Stamps, the ceiling fans and a few other fans.  We move around the house according to which side is getting the sun and we manage.  This can only last a few more weeks and then I will be cold again, so it is a tradeoff.  Going to run and fold a load of clothes before it gets too hot to move. Hugs, Janie
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/07 7:56 am - San Antonio, TX
My nurse at the hospital said she lost about 40lbs after gall bladder surgery.  I was not so lucky - although I lost about 40 before I got it taken out because I was so sick for months.  Its crazy hot here too, we were spoiled with a month of rain but now that just makes it even more humid.  Take care,  Jenn
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/07 6:03 am - MT
Congrats on your weight loss!! Thats wonderful!

Felicia =0)
on 8/13/07 7:48 am - Magna, UT
Janie, Good for you!!!  I crave chocolate and carbs,  I wonder if taking out my gall bladder would help???  I have no symptoms that I know of, so I guess not. Good for you though!!! Lori
on 8/13/07 9:54 pm

Lori, I had no symptoms either until I woke up the morning before surgery with a bad backache in my upper back.  You never know how you body is going to act. Hugs, Janie

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