The worst moment of my life, but I still smiled

Amy Williams
on 8/7/07 3:13 am
Over the weekend I decided to go through some photos on my computer and here at the house to organize them.  I came across I photo I had kept from the very first day I started lymphedema therapy.  My legs were at the largest.  I looked at myself and wondered how in the world with all the pain I was feeling at that point in my life I could possibly smile.  In looking at the photo I started to cry because I never realized how much that even with my world feeling like it was falling apart around me that I would still try to keep a positive vibe around.  I'm thankful each day that I kept going even though MANY nights I wished and prayed I wouldn't wake up again.  I never wanted to be away from my family or my husband, but the pain I was in daily was so hard.  I think back and sometimes wonder how did I get the strength to go on.   In all seriousness those days when I felt like just wanting to die coming online helped me.  I would read others stories and tell myself I can be there one day.  Now over 3 years later I'm there!  I'm so thankful! My legs at the largest My "trying" smile What weight loss has given me.... a reason to SMILE!

  I've lost over 400 pounds!  
I love helping others, if you have a question just ask!  

Click on a link to read more about my journey:  
My website   My reconstructive photos 

on 8/7/07 5:32 am - Sacramento, CA

You are an inspiration to us all.  Lorraine

on 8/7/07 3:03 pm
Amy, I am SO glad you took those pictures and documented your lymphedema treatment. Thanks to you, I was able to convince my PCP that I had lymphedema and got treatment for it earlier this year. I'm 4 weeks out from lapband surgery, and I really feel like I've turned a corner in my life. People who haven't experienced lymphedema don't have any idea how much more difficult it is to deal with than just "plain old fat." It's painful and embarrassing on a whole different level. Thank you SO much for sharing your story. It has helped more than you'll ever know, I'm sure.

No one can take away your right to fight and to never surrender! NEVER SURRENDER!

Amy Williams
on 8/7/07 3:10 pm
Thanks for your wonderful message and support!  I really appreciate it. I'm so glad that you've been able to get help for your lymphedema.  :-)
on 8/10/07 2:37 am - Magna, UT
Amy, I can only somewhat imagine what you were going through.  I had lymphadema in my lower legs only.  The pain is so excruciating!!!  I am so happy your health and life has changed so much!  I am very thankful mine has too.  We need to occassionally remind ourself where we have come from, especially when we are vulnerable to letting old habits creep in.  Reading your post today was just what I needed! Lori
Amy Williams
on 8/10/07 4:20 am
Thanks Lori!  We have much to be thankful for!
on 8/11/07 9:18 pm
Amy, I am so thankful for your post!  You have accomplished much!  

 Finally banded

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: if one falls down, his friend can help him up."  Ecclesiastes 4:9(NIV)

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