Thanks Marge for posting this. I do not understand why I can reply to messages, but not post a new one. I slept better last night after I finally got to sleep. I am ready for winter, I have definitely decided that I like cold better best, even though I freeze, I can always put more on. Boyce has been wonderful, but worried to death. They told him the surgery would be only 1/2 hour, so when I was gone for 2.5 hours he was a wreck by the time it was over. I still have surgical discomfort, but my lower right side of my back is driving me nuts. No matter where or how I sit it hurts, so I am just having to ignore it as much as possible. Merlin has been very concerned. The other day he asked, "Mama hurt? Need hug?". Mollie just wants to be as close as possible, and bless her she hasn't even tried to jump up on me once. One thing I think this surgery has helped with is the potty situation. I am no longer constantly constipated! And yes, this is a good thing. I have become addicted to the lite apple juice with splenda from Kroger. It has 6 grams of carbs instead of 28 in the regular juice. It has been satisfying a tremendous thrist lately that I think is because it is so hot. I have been avoiding tea, even decaf because I am sweating like a mule even when sitting still! The only time lately that I have been comfortable was in the hospital. My room was 69 degrees. The nurses and Boyce were freezing, but I was so comfy. They brought me a heated blanket at night and I just snuggled down. Boyce is really in for it if we ever win the mega millions. I will then be able to have the perfect year round temperature all the time. Well I must run. Boyce is a good nurse, but a so-so laundry man and things have piled up. I sort and put in the washer, he takes them out and puts them in the dryer and helps me fold-another issue,but at least he tries, bless him. I go back to the doctor on August 15 and they told me to take things easy until then. I plan on it. I also, unless it is absolutely required, to have no more surgery. If I flop, I flop. I don't think I could take the pain of a tummy tuck, I am becoming a wimp. I also hope this surgery helps to rejumpstart my weightloss. Oh, I did find out from the radiologist on one of my tests that my pouch is still the size it should be. I HAVEN'T STRETCHED MY POUCH!!!!! WOOHOO! I was terrified of that happening and it hasn't which is good. Really going now. Thanks again, Marge. I will try not to lurk so much in the furture.