I got a surgery date!

Its funny you should bring this up today, me and my hubby had a heart to heart last nite about this.I have loss well over 200lbs, and he said I am changing. I asked him if he felt my personality had changed or just my lifestyle. He said it was the lifestyle. He said before he was always worried about my health, now he is worried about me leaving him. Maybe your friends feel like when you become thinning and healthy you will want to leave them too. That you might find new friends that like to do things other than go out to eat , stuff like that. Now at work before my surgery all the guys told me I was gonna turn into a "hoochie mama" (didn't tell my hubby that he would have flipped) but I just laughed that off. Anyway Congrats on your surgery date... and just concentrate on yourself right now. Its time for you to take care of yourself. Let us know how you are doing. Lynn