I got a surgery date!

on 7/29/07 1:26 pm - CO
Well my surgery is scheduled for August 2, 2007!  I just got the date last Tuesday, so things have been moving by rather quickly since then!  I am excited to finally get in and I am ready to be on the losers bench and start life over again! So I do have a scenario for all of those post ops!  I have 2 room mates and neither one of them are my size or have ever been my size!  One is about 170 5,7 and the other is about 210 5,6!  So I consider them "healthy" girls but not in by range!  So anyway I tell them about the date and the surgery and everything and now they both started making comments like you are going to lose all that weight and start acting different or with an attitude!  They say I am going to become fake and superficial, and it's really bothering me that they are even saying these things!  At this point all I am looking for is encouragement and now that the date is here they are unable to give that!  I am not snoby or stuck up now, so I don't know why they would think I would become that way!  Did any of you experience this with any close friends or family members after you had surgery and once your started losing the weight?
(deactivated member)
on 7/29/07 10:35 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I was fortunate not to receive this kind of reaction from my family or friends, but I know it's relatively common.  My advice would be to remind your roommates that you - meaning your personality, sense of humor, morals, values, etc. - are NOT your body.  Loosing weight and becoming healthy is not going to change the core of who you are.  Hopefully they'll understand that.   Good luck on your upcoming surgery date!  If you have questions or concerns, or just need some place to vent, keep coming back to OH!  There's a great group of folks in this Over 50 BMI forum; we'll cheer you on and have your back Kellie
on 7/30/07 4:53 am - VALLEJO, CA

Its funny you should bring this up today, me and my hubby had a heart to heart last nite about this.I have loss well over 200lbs, and he said I am changing. I asked him if he felt my personality had changed or just my lifestyle. He said it was the lifestyle. He said before he was always worried about my health, now he is worried about me leaving him. Maybe your friends feel like when you become thinning and healthy you will want to leave them too. That you might find new friends that like to do things other than go out to eat , stuff like that. Now at work before my surgery all the guys told me I was gonna turn into a "hoochie mama" (didn't tell my hubby that he would have flipped) but I just laughed that off. Anyway Congrats on your surgery date... and just concentrate on yourself right now. Its time for you to take care of yourself. Let us know how you are doing. Lynn

on 7/31/07 4:54 am - CO
AARGH!  When I hear stuff like this, my first reaction is, "... you, and your horse!"  People who aren't SMO have no idea what it's like to be this fat, and should just mind their own business when we are finally able to actually get some of the weight off before we die horrible deaths.  In my case, I was circus fat and I'd have died without the surgery.  Simple as that. Since your housemates are large (but not extremely large), are they feeling threatened that you won't be the fattest one in the house any more?  I live with my sister, and lately she has been making comments about me wasting away and how I weigh less than she does now. I was talking to our neighbor yesterday, and he said, "You just get skinnier every time I see you.  I'll bet you've lost 2/3 of your body weight."  He's a contractor, so I'm not surprised he guessed correctly.  I told him I'd probably lost two of him, and he said, "Pretty soon, you'll be skinnier than your sister."  I told him I already was (by 10 lbs).  He said, "I'll bet she doesn't like that."  He's right. I do get a lot of support from my family, it's just that stuff pops up every now and then that causes me to raise my eyebrows.  Kix



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