I have a surgery date!
I had my surgical consult on Thursday and I am all set up with a bunch of appointments. I have my tentative surgery date, as long as testing is all okay, It is set for Wednesday, August 29, 2007! I am excited and very scared about it too. I am more nervous about my EKG reading abnormal. I feel fine and my heart as far as I know is fine but they are making me go to a heart specialist this Tuesday for more tests to "rule out" any thing wrong. Has anyone had anything like this? I really am afraid by that. I have severe panic disorder to the point that the state of CA put my on Disability claiming I'll never get better. The state I live in now agrees with them. I hope to prove them wrong and get better some day. Until that time I do tend to worry bunches about stuff and I am having a struggle right now with this. Any prayers would be so much appreciated.
Blessings to you all
Annie W. (since there are two Annie's on here, lol)
Dont worry Annie, I know easier said than done but just by them sending you to a heart specialist does not mean something is wrong.
Sounds like to me the people checking your heart want to make double sure you are ok and to cover thier own tracks.
You know they saying "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours"
You are such a sweetie pie.
Thank you for your sweet words. I feel fine and I exercise like crazy but those silly
squiggles just seem to be there every time they do an EKG on me.
Your surgery is coming up really soon! I am so
excited for you and can't wait until you are out of the hospital and back on your feet to let us know how it was. Have you had all your testing done? Just a bit over a week now isn't it? OOOO,
how exciting. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Hugs and blessings to you,
Annie W

Hi Annie how exciting to have a surgery date. The time will just fly by. I wil be praying for you. I think it is normal to be worried about everything especially because we want the surgery so badly. The night before my consult I was worried Dr. S was going to say I was too fat to have the surgery. LOL
But all is okay. I have to do my pre-ops this week as well. So I will keep my fingers crossed for both of us. Hugs. Jo