Just some ramblings...

(deactivated member)
on 7/26/07 1:44 pm
I am suppose to be writing a 20 page paper, but I'm bored half out of my wits and have absolutely nothing to do. So instead I'm going to bore you all with my rambling thoughts because, well,  I have nothing else I want to do right now (isn't procrastination great ) So, in no particular order of importance: 1. I FINALLY found some bras that fit me - I went to a bra place that actually gives you a fitting. The sad part: I have gone from a D to an A cup size. The 'girls' look sad and tired right now - the news has just upset them something awful. 2. I got a weird email from cakecentral.com saying I registered for their website and that I needed to confirm my new membership. Huh??? I don't even eat cake anymore. Someone who has my email has a sick sense of humor - and if it's a friend, I'm gonna kill them. 3. I actually fit into size 12 pants and a size 12 skirt!!!! And on top of that, I bought both of them.My budget is shot for the month, but it was worth every penny! 4. My dad, who has been pretty much comatose for the past 2 months, has woken but up and is very alert and getting better everyday. Today was my first chance to see him and the first thing he said to me was "you're so skinny" - well, he didn't say it since he can' t talk very well, but he mouthed it. And, I was wearing my wonderful size 12 pants - more confirmation of a pair of pants well bought. 5. I cut my hair... really short! I've never had short hair, so this is a big change. And I love it! I'll post pics as soon as I get some taken. It's all fun and flirty! 6. I started a hiking group for WLS patients and our first hike is this Saturday - I have over 40 people interested in coming! (it includes friends and family). And I was worried no one would be interested A lot of the people who signed up seldom exercise and are excited to get out and do something. Don't worry, I'm not taking them up my big ole' 14'er this time - that will come later 7. I wish I had something exciting to say at number 7, but I have nothing else to say since my life is boring and I'm still bored with studying and don't want to write my paper - pathetic, huh?!
Tricie 40
on 7/26/07 9:30 pm - Back Home For Good, IL
I am really glad your dad is doing better. Siz 12.....that has to feel great


The only person that is with us our entire life,  is ourselves. Live while you are alive




(deactivated member)
on 7/27/07 10:41 pm
Thanks! It's a pretty big deal that dad is doing well, just last week the Dr's said he would be in a nursing home for the rest of his life. They are all shocked he is doing so well, they have never seen anything like it. My mom said she will never listen to Dr's again
(deactivated member)
on 7/26/07 10:24 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH

1.  Procrastination is a fabulous thing.  Why do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow? 2.  Finally buying bras that fit made me giddy like a school girl.  I went from a 52DDD to a 38DDD.  A clear sign that I was definitely wearing the wrong size bra before I had my surgery.  My girls also look sad and tired.  I've promised them that when I'm done losing, I'll have a most excellent surgeon put them back where they belong, and I'll stop carrying them in my pockets (lol). 3.  Size 12?  You go girl!  Although I'm down 190 pounds and now weigh 208, I'm still wearing size 18 and size 20 pants (depends on the cut and fit).  I hope to make it to a 14 or 16 some day.  But congrats to you on those size 12s!  Wear them with pride! 4.  Praise be for your Dad's progress; what a blessing to have him making such great progress.  I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.   5.  Love, love, love short hair.  I wore mine short for years, and actually let it grow out after my surgery.  It's collar length now, and, with the help of various products, quite curly.  But I gaze enviously at women with short, spiky, funky haircuts.... 6.  Your hiking group sounds great - what a fantastic thing for you to do.  I've been looking online at some of the local places to hike in northern Ohio.  Nothing like what you have in the Rockies, but some beautiful places nonetheless. 

7.  Nothing left here either, except to say I hope you got your paper done!  Have a great weekend -  Kellie

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/07 10:44 pm
You know what is so sad about the bras is that I was more excited to wear one of my new ones than my new clothes . I have NEVER had a bra that really fit and it was quite the shock to find some that fit. Even if they are an A - did you know that it is really hard to find A cups at a 38? I'm just in a weird place. Have a great weekend too!
on 7/27/07 3:09 am - Magna, UT
PJ, You made me laugh!  Thanks! Size 12 is fantastic!!!!  You are such an inspiration!!!!  I think it is terrific that you have started a WLS hiking group.  Wish I could attend! My bra size has went from an H cup to a F cup and my still very big girls look quite sad too....a breast reduction is in my near future! I can't help at all in the procrastination department as I am such a bad procrastinator myself! Hugs, Lori
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/07 10:46 pm
I really think Colorado is calling your name - just move on our here and you too could be in the hiking group Glad you did get a laugh out of this, I was in a quirky mood that night. I think it's the whole "the semester is almost over" feeling I get when I'm almost done. Just one more week! Pam
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/07 12:46 pm - San Antonio, TX
I am kind of worried about shrinking sagging boobs - not so much for me but because I'm afraid my husband won't find me as attractive.  For some reason he thinks I am very hot now, but what will happen when I have saggy everything and look like a melted candle?  Its just one of those personal worries that I'd never admit to him directly, although I think he knows.  It doesn't help that since I've started the nuvaring they've gotten bigger and he seems utterly fascinated with them (udderly?)  Men!  Its been a long time since I've had a bra fitting, the last time the sales lady made me feel kind of stupid and bad because she pointed out all the things wrong with the bra I was wearing and then brought one to try on that was HUGE.  Two of me could have fit in there I think, and thats saying something!  I was thinking "is that how big I really seem to her"  She was very impatient and disinterested, and irritated easily.  Needless to say, she didn't make a big sale. Now I just try on bras until I find one and it still seems like its a different size each time.  Stupid clothes.  Anyway, that's my rant.  You go with the procrastinating!  Its an under-appreciated art form.  I wish I could join that hiking group.  Short haircuts are cool - I am afraid they will make my face look too round, but I keep getting shorter and I think I will chop it all off when it starts to fall out.  Coming full-circle here, my husband would love me to grow long hair but it just never grows long without looking wispy and split.. and it grows so slow.  Men!  Its all about the fantasy with them. 
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/07 12:48 pm - San Antonio, TX
Oh and I am scatter-brained today - I forgot to wish your father well and I am so happy for you that he is getting better!
(deactivated member)
on 7/27/07 10:50 pm
thanks -it's pretty much a miracle! We are thrilled, although he is frustrated that he can't just get up and go home. But that's a good sign! I agree with you about men and their fascination with boobs - now that I have none I have to wonder how men will react. Actually, what bothers me the most is the way they hang - I have to do some creative stuffing when if comes to the girls - I'm sure they hate that!
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