Need Exercise motivation

Elaine C.
on 7/25/07 12:16 am - Lawton, OK
What is wrong with me?!  I have a treadmill at home...have many exercise DVD's...I just cannot get motivated. I have gotten this far without any real effort but I know I need to do something with myself.  For several days I have set my alarm for 6AM but when it goes off I reset it for 7AM to get ready for work.  In the evenings, my son goes to bed at 7:30 (he's 3) and I have plenty of time to get off my arse...but I don't.  My job is not difficult...desk job.  I do find myslef getting away from the desk more often just to move around but that is not going to cut it.  Evenings are my boredom snack times and it would behoove me to exercise then instead of snack or overindulge.  I know this!  Why can't I just do it?! Does anyone have suggestions?  I need someone to kick me into submission!  Anyone else have this problem?  What do you do with yourself?
on 7/25/07 12:33 am - Fredericton, Canada
Hi Elaine, I only spank and never kick :P As a life long exercise procrastinator I can totally relate with what you are feeling. There is nothing "wrong" with you. You want to exercise but obviously dont enjoy it. When was the last time you needed to motivate yourself to watch TV, go out to dinner or have a nap? Things you enjoy come naturally. Exercise is only effective if you love it. Otherwise you will eventually find something better to do.  For me I get active and I dont exercise. I go for walks with my husband in the evenings he's home. We live in an area where walks are more like hikes but its a beautiful view, peacefull and good quality time with no distractions. I shop for exercise. I will go to the mall and walk for 2 - 3 hours. No its not massive cardio but it keeps my legs working good :P Working a full time job and being a mom is going to limit what you do for exercise so try to make it fun whatever you do. A distant relative of mine uses her treadmill. She has never travelled much and she does something very neat. She put up a map next to her treadmill and keeps track of how far she walks everyday on the map. She contacts friends or relatives when she's walking through their area to wave hello. Its a real hobby for her and she will walk more when shes exciteds about getting close to someone. She is 80 years old and now walked across Canada on her map :) HUGS PK
(deactivated member)
on 7/25/07 1:23 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Finding motivation to exercise is a tricky thing.  If you don't like being on the treadmill, that will make it even harder to get motivated to get on it and get walking.  I do have a couple suggestions that may be helpful.   First, turn on the television or some music when you're working out.  I've read a number of studies that show that people who listen to music while they are exercising are more likely to stick to their exercise routine.  I listen to my iPod when I do cardio-type exercise.  It makes the time go faster and it helps me maintain a steady tempo to my exercise.  If you're more of a tv watcher, plant that treadmill right in front of the tv!  You could watch the morning news, or something you taped the night before, or one of the walking DVDs with pretty scenery.  Anything to make it feel like you're not a hamster on a wheel (which you are not!!!).   Second, if you don't think tv or music will get you on that treadmill, look for some other form of cardio exercise that you enjoy.  Ride a bike, take a walk, go swimming, do some yardwork, try inline skates or rollerskates - anything that gets you moving and gets your heart rate up for a sustained period of time counts as cardio!  The trick is finding something you actually enjoy doing - you'll be more likely to stick with it if you find pleasure in the activity.   Finally, don't think about it too much.  Just decide that you're going to do something - anything - and do it!  I've discovered that if I spend too much time planning, plotting, and talking, I never get around to the actual doing.  Once you push yourself over the hump, it gets easier and easier!   Good luck on your continuing journey Kellie
on 7/25/07 1:53 am - Magna, UT
Elaine, Start small.  When you first start exercising, it is a real chore.  Make yourself do it, but, make it so small that it doesn't seem like much.  Like start out with 5 mins a day, only adding 1 min a week.  Even if you do that little, you are beginning the habit.  I'll bet you add more than 1 min a week....but, if you don't that is okay.  I literally dragged myself to the gym for the first 3 months of going, now I have to go!  I've been solid at it for 2 years.  I listen to books on my iPod, so I feel like I'm killing 2 birds with one stone.  There are always books I want to read and it takes my mind off the exercise.  Start posting to the Gym Is Open posts.  It doesn't have to be much, just moving each day is the goal! We are here for you Elaine!!!! Lori
on 7/25/07 8:29 am - MS

Elaine, Move over because I'm in the same boat.  I'm grateful for the 129 pounds I've lsot but it is hard as heck to get the last 45 off.  I do know if I got off my do-nothing and dis something it would probably help tremendously.  I joined the gym at three months postop but over the past two to three months, I've found myself finding excuses, weight loss at a trickle, and being very ill.  I've got to do something too.  It's so hot in MS but it's even hotter when you're SMO.  Hold on Elaine!!!  We've come too far to turn around!!!! Ree Ree

Elaine C.
on 7/25/07 11:41 pm - Lawton, OK
Thanks for all teh suggestions guys!  I like the idea of posting to the daily exercise message.  I am gonna try that...the daily accountability is something that might keep me in line. Last night I did grab the 6th Harry Potter book (reading up again so I can read the 7th book I picked up yesterday)  and got on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  The 30 minutes did go by quicker than it did when I would watch tv or listen to music.  My problem is looking at the timer on the treadmill every minute.  I have 25 minutes left, I have 23 minutes left, I have 20 minutes left, etc.  Makes the time just dddrrrraaaagggg on!  The book prevented me from seeing the distance/timer. I also did 20 crunches (I did them on my ottoman so I was elevated from my top-half) and some tricep curls. For me....I did great last night.  Now to just make a habit of it...
on 7/26/07 4:35 am - Magna, UT
Elaine, I exercise next to many folks on the treadmills and elipticals that consciously throw a towel over the time so they have no idea how much they have left.  They say it helps!  I'm usually lost in a book I'm listening too on my iPod so the time goes by pretty fast for me, unless I'm not feeling well or something.  Good for you for exercising last night!!!! Lori
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