Gym is open (Tuesday)
(deactivated member)
on 7/24/07 5:20 am - San Antonio, TX
on 7/24/07 5:20 am - San Antonio, TX
I walked for 40 whole minutes today - 2 miles! (I am slow) That's the most I've done at once.
It's Pioneer Day in Utah, a big state holiday, so perhaps she's out enjoying the festivities. Or maybe the colonoscopy was pointier than she expected, and decided to rest comfortably today.
I did one hour on the in-line skating machine! I really had to force myself to go past 40 minutes, but I'm glad I did. I had a real sense of accomplishment when I finished (oh, and sore arches, but I'm not paying attention to them).
I ran some errands, one of which was stopping at a surgery pal's house to drop off my leftover Profect. She wasn't home, but her daughter was, and I hadn't seen her since the last surgery class over a year ago. She said, "Wow, I can't believe how much weight you've lost! You look awesome!" I liked hearing that!
I went to Whole Foods (known in this household as Whole Paycheck) and bought some ground buffalo meat, some tilapia, a salmon and feta patty, some zucchini, a package of organic mozzarella, and the most beautiful hothouse tomato I have seen in years. The tomatoes were $3/lb, so one tomato was almost $1.50, but it was worth it. It tasted like a real tomato, and not like the nasty stripmined ones Kroger sells.
[I did my senior thesis in college on the mechanization of farm labor and how it displaces the migrant farm worker. I can tell you more than you ever want to know about genetically altered tomatoes].
I had a buffalo burger with melted mozarella and slices of this tomato, and I am one happy girl this afternoon, let me tell you! "Delicious" doesn't even begin to describe how it tasted. I need to frequent our local farmers' markets to check out their tomatoes.

Wow - an hour on the in-line skating machine! Way to go, Kix. It seems like just yesterday you were doing 10 minutes on the armbike. What an amazing accomplishment - 'atta girl!
It's fun to see people who haven't seen you in a long time. I've had several instances where people honestly didn't know who I was. That doesn't happen as often now, but it's even more pronounced when it does because I'm just about half the person I used to be.
They recently opened a Whole Foods about 5 minutes from my house. I've been afraid to go in, for the "Whole Paycheck" reason mentioned in your post. I'm sure their meat, fish, and fresh produce is out of this world, but I'm worried about how much I'll spend if I start shopping there.
I'm glad you enjoyed your tomato. My Dad had a huge garden when I was growing up, so we always had tons of fresh produce - tomatoes, green onions, all kinds of peppers, radishes, beets, corn, potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, etc. If it could be grown in this climate, he grew it at some point. We also had strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries - yum, yum, yum! So I really appreciate really good produce. I go to a lot of the local farmer's markets and just buy whatever local produce is available and looks good. You'll be surprised what you can find!
50 minutes on the elliptical!? Good for you! I can usually only do about 30 minutes max, my feet fall asleep in a very painful way.
Today was weights day, so I warmed up with 20 minutes on the treadmill then did 40 minutes of weight work. I am so glad I started to do weights again - I'm hoping to see a big difference in the next month or so.

I used to have a problem with my feet falling asleep, but for some reason that doesn't happen any more. Not sure if it's because I got new shoes, or if I shifted my position on the machine, but it's a relief not to have to deal with that.
Good for you on starting back with lifting weights. I've been lifting 2x per week since February, and I can really see and feel a difference especially in my upper body. I'm hoping to get decent muscle tone and definition before I have plastic surgery to remove my excess skin. I think I'll be happier with my results if I give the surgeon a good framework to start with. Keep up the great work!!!