Long time no post!
Wow how fast things fly by. Today marks my fourth week since surgery. I am feeling better every day, and things resemble a "normal" life again. I've been back to work for a week, and since it is mostly working at a computer; it has been relatively easy to go back. I have lost 48.5 pounds, total (including pre-op) and I couldn't be happier about that. I can hardly wait to loose some more so I can begin to feel more energetic.
I will admit, I get bummed out about the loss of food. My head wants hot dogs, pizza, sandwiches, tacos, etc. You know all the foods I cannot have! It is really tough going to a party or function, because I cannot snack, and when a meal is served, it is never something I can eat. Case in point. My wife and I are expecting a baby in about a month. Last Sat. our families threw us a baby shower co-ed. They served a meal. Green chili chicken enchiladas, posole, Spanish rice, and tortillas. I had to bring cheese and soy beans, because couldn't eat any of the food they prepared. It all smelled so wonderful!!! I really wished I had not had the surgery that day!
My wife is doing well, although she is getting a large belly. It bothers her, but I think she is beautiful! I remind her that pregnancy is natural and beautiful, but I think my words are falling on deaf ears. I do love her so, and wish she could see herself through my eyes!
I'll try to keep everyone updated as I go through this...
Richard I
A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one
LAP RNY 06/25/2007