Pics from my hike Friday...
I never even thought about looking like Indiana Jones, but I like it! He's one of my all-time fav characters - as a matter of fact I thought about becoming an archaeologist just like him
As for those sales, at least you are getting a workout - I know how crazy it can be to pour through a group of women on the hunt for bargains!

When you are ready just give me the word and we'll hit a trail together. I have begun a hiking group with my support group and I have 22 people interested, which I'm excited about! Our first hike is handicap accessible, if you are interested. We have lots of people who are still moving slow or just out of surgery going. After my experience at the last hiking group, I wanted to do something that wasn't intimidating to beginners, or anyone for that matter.
oh, and believe me, I was extremely sweaty - my hat was drenched!
Thanks Denise! I do feel like a new baby - I just keep thinking of these things I want to do that I never could before. I decided this week to take a wall climbing class at the local REI, and I'm scared of heights! But I want to keep challenging myself.
By the way, what happened to your profile pic? It's gone so we can't see that cute face