Thank you Jeanine!
Thank you so much for the info about the diabetic who gets cortisone shots.
This pain is almost unbearable.
I just came in from sitting outside with our nieghbors and as everyone was getting ready to go home I started to cry because I knew how painful it would be when I stood up.
i never had anything quite like this before.
I was so happy about Curves and getting ready for surgery now this.
Thank you and sending you lots of hugs.
Annie, I want to tell you what the orthopedic surgeons at my hospital say. They say NO curves or any thing like it until waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the road. Rather they say do arobics, swimming, walking and bike riding. They said they see too many injuries from people getting back into exercise going to the gym. So you may want to think about something else for a bit. Hope you feel better soon. Jo
Hi Annie:
I have severe arthritis in both my knees and have tried the synthis shots and it wasn't until I had the corizone that I finally got relief. I still am stiff, but the periodic shots will help me until I can have the knees replaced. My ortho surgeon was also against gym exercising like treadmills, stair steppers. He suggested a therputic pool . Having lymphedma in my one leg also restricts many exercises. Check with your ortho before you start a Curves program.
Hi Jeanine,
Thanks for asking but when I saw my doc on monday and again asked about having a shot she said they like to wait at least 3 weeks before giving a cortisone shot.
So she refered me to a physical therapist who I saw and she gave me some excersises I can do in my bed in the morning and at bedtime.
As for the pain I am dealing with it but getting very tired of it.
Also the meds she gave me have a horrible side effect of constipation.
So by talking with my pharmasist I have found a natural pill to help with that.
Using ice packs several times a day which seem to help some.