Gym Is Open (Thurs) & I'm out for a few days
Hi guys,
I will be at a Folk and Bluegrass Festival up at Snowbird Ski Resort for the next 4 days. I'm not taking my laptop, so will someone else please open the gym? I should be back at it on Tuesday am. Last year, according to my pedometer, I averaged 6 to 7 miles a day walking at the festival. I'm on the committee and there is so much running around we do. And I hope to do at least 1 hike while I'm up there, so I should still be getting in some good exercise.
Today, I did 25 min walking the track and 20 min lower body strength training and abs. Then 10 min stretching.
What did you do to move your body today?
Snowbird is lovely this time of year, I am jealous! I like Snowbird better in the summer than I do the winter.
Leave the key under the mat, and I'll open the gym.
I went to the rec center today and did 30 minutes of in-line skating machine and 30 minutes of armbike. Everyone at the rec center seemed to be in a bad mood today.
I stopped at Costco to pick up a couple of things and while I was waiting for a handicapped parking spot (and waiting in such a way as to not block traffic). an old man in the car behind me kept honking at me (even though I was signalling and the dude in the parking spot was in the middle of backing out) because he wanted me to move. I wasn't about to move because there were no other spaces nearby, handicapped or regular, so after honking 1000 times, he pulled around me and cursed me out, calling me a "stupid *****" I wasn't raised to talk ugly to old people, but I just had to! I yelled back, "What the f**k is your problem?! Who peed in your Wheaties this morning, old man?!" He dropped off his wife at the door and drove off. I felt like walking up to her and chewing her out over her husband, but frankly, she looked a bit embarrassed.
A good thing -- I didn't use the scooter at Costco today and I didn't get tired walking. Of course, I wasn't there very long, but still, a good thing!
I came home for some lunch, and I have to go back out to finish my errands. I hope all the grumpy seniors have finished their chores by then and returned home!

(deactivated member)
on 7/12/07 5:00 am - San Antonio, TX
on 7/12/07 5:00 am - San Antonio, TX
I just got back from the pool and did about 20 min moderate swimming and 10 minutes swimming as hard as I could. I also bought a pedometer today.
Oh, lrosenda - I was talking to my aunt who went through a rough bout of plantar fasciitis earlier this year, and oddly enough her podiatrist recommended the exact same line of shoes that mine did - Brooks Ariel. I have two pairs of the 2006 version and she has this years model. Personally, I have rarely found shoes that let me stay on my feet comfortably for extended periods of time and I think these are great! I looove them and best of all I've never sprained an ankle in them or even come close to a bad misstep (I am a BAD ankle sprainer) I just thought it was interesting to get the same recommendation from more than one doc so I wanted to extend the info. They aren't too heavy, especially for motion control shoes - I don't know if you need motion control though. Hope you have a great trip!
I went for another hike Thursday and had a blast! I found a new hike that was unbelievable, a great climb that kept my heart rate up pretty good. It went up to 10,000 feet and ended at the only working fire tower still left in the state. I, however, did not make it to the top. My fear of heights kicked in big time about half way up and I was literally frozen to the stairs!
The guy behind me had the same problem and we both just stood there laughing - neither of us wanted to go back down but were too scared to keep going. Finally got the guts to turn my concrete legs around and slowly made my way back down. A group at the bottom applauded both of us and got to say, it broke the ice. I met lots of great people up there.
I've loaded some pics of the fire tower and the stairs going up - I REALLY wanted to see the view, it's suppose to be phenomenal. I did think my sanity was more important!,13272/uzone,photos/a ction,gallery/curPhoto,134669/
By the way Lori, it was really smoky up there - it seems we are getting some of that smoke from your fire in Utah. Hope it doesn't derail your festival this weekend