I'm A Newbie
OMG that will be the best birthday gift ever, huh?
I am going forward with a positive attitude and believe this is going to happen for me. I'm rarely a negative thinker, so no point in starting now. I will focus my energy (what little I have these days) on eating healthy to drop some pre-surgery pounds and continuing to dream. Somehow when I close my eyes I cannot envision myself as a thin person. I will keep trying to make that change. Thanks for your advice. Jeanine

Welcome to the board. I am 52 so I know what it feels like. You are in for a very exciting journey. You are in a good support board, the people here are the best. If you need to talk please feel free to contact me at [email protected] Like you I have arthritis. My BMI was 69 when I started 1 year ago and I have lost 160 lbs. in that year.
See you on the loser's bench real soon.