Gym Is Open (Tuesday)
Gym memberships are nice, but walking is a great start to establishing a regular workout program! The bonus is that, when you are ready for your gym membership, you'll have already improved your fitness level by walking, so some of the cardio equipment at the gym won't seem quite so daunting. Regarding an affordable gym membership, have you checked with the local YMCA/YWCA? Ours in the Cleveland area are reasonably affordable and they offer options where you can pay by the visit, rather than making a monthly commitment. A lot of our local rec centers also have pretty reasonable prices, and/or options to pay by the visit. Finally, regarding your DH's concern about paying for something that you won't use, perhaps he will agree to try a gym membership if you first show a commitment to a regular routine you can do without the gym. (Something like walking 5x per week for a certain amount of time, or whatever might work for you.) Show him you can stick with it and gently remind him that you will truly benefit from the workout equipment and programs that are available at a gym. Or, better yet, get him to join with you (family memberships are often cheaper than 2 individual memberships). Good luck on your continuing journey! Kellie