new to this web site
Hi there ,my name is Imanie.I ve been reading alot of yall stories.I think yall are a close family. I would like to have wls one day.The thing is I live in lafayette,louisiana and I have only medicaid not medicare.I weigh 308 pounds and is about 5ft 2 inches tall. I wanted to know did anyone had the lapband weighing over 300 pounds. Did anyone lose weight from the lapband weighing over 300 pounds? My cardioligist recommended the lapband ,reason is I had a mitral valve replacement last year (08-06-06),and now I have a mechanical heart valve. I really need this surgery,cause I have dibeteas,congested heart failure,bipolar depression,sleep apenea etc.... I am 33 years young and I want my life back.I have two beautiful children ,One is 8 and one is 9 years young. I would like to have the lapband,cause my cardiologist said thats the only one he wi ll approve for me.I can dig that hes looking out for me. I think my overeating started after I had my thyriods removed .before having my thyriods removed I weighed 178 pounds and look at me now.I just cant believe it. I pray everyday to find a doctor to take my medicaid,cause I really need this wls to help expand my life.I want to live!!! Did anyone have lapband surgery weighing over 300 pounds,and how did it go? For the lapbandsters about How much weight do you lose weekly? I am just curious,I really need to have this surgery,to expand my life. Please feel free to email me [email protected] Yall really give me hope in my life!! Hopefully one day I will be on the otherside.