people talking about weight loss
Today I managed to cook 19lbs of strip steaks for my demo everyone who had some liked them.
While I was cooking away on The George Forman Grill two women planted themselves in front of my station and started talking about weight loss and excersise. I felt sorta uncomfortable at first but then just got really busy cooking.
I really wanted to go up to them and tell them I am a true blue dieter and I can really tell you lots of things about weight loss.
I kept my mouth shut and contiinued cooking.
Sometimes when situations like this happen near me I sorta take it personal.
I can totally understand that - I still catch myself when I hear someone talking about weight. It's just a habit that I sometimes wonder will ever go away.
In college I had a horrible experience when I was working at a retail store. These two guys came into the store with these buttons on that said "Ask me how to lose weight!" and they proceeded to have a conversation in front of me, also including me in some of it. After a few minutes one of the guys turned to the other and said "I guess she isn't going to ask us about losing weight." I was stunned, to say the least. The other guy grinned and said "yeah, and she really needs to talk to us." They both then turned to me and stared at me, almost daring me to say something. I just walked away. I was a bit inhibited then and didn't say anything, but it really hurt. Now I would probably slug them!
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/07 3:03 am - San Antonio, TX
on 7/8/07 3:03 am - San Antonio, TX
I hate hearing stories like that almost as much as I hate fat jokes. A really close friend of mine (my freshman dorm roomate and friend for last 10 years!) posted a very derogatory picture making fun of a fat woman on her myspace recently and I just couldn't believe it. I went off on her about it and I think its ruined our friendship. Fat people are the last acceptable target. Its just sad really. And when you are in a situation like that, its hard to stand up for yourself - I've certainly been inhibited too, I am just starting to stand up for myself in situations like that.
At one of his previous jobs my husband took a lot of crap about his fat girlfriend (me)- he'd never encountered that kind of thing before and I felt so awful. He didn't stand up for himself or for me. He also didn't stand up for me at first with his father or sister, who from the beginning were very hateful, but now he is fiercly protective and supportive of me and has enough self esteem to stand up for himself and his choice.
I know what you guys mean. I hate it too. Once I was involved with an employee disciplinary action. And I told the HR people that the individual had used the 3 letter F word and they said, oh don't you mean the 4 letter F word and I said no the 3 letter F word is worse. The 4 letter F word is generic the 3 letter F word brings it home.