Gym Is Open (Thursday)

on 7/5/07 1:22 am - Magna, UT
I did my 5k yesterday with my sore foot, it became numb after awhile, so I walked home from it when I finished.  Ended up getting in 6 miles.  Then I had to ice my foot for about 1.5 hours later that day.  Today, I went to the gym, only did 1 mile on the track, my foot was killing me, so I stretched and went home.  It was worth it though, the fun walk was just that fun! What did you do to move your body today? Lori
on 7/5/07 2:14 am - CO
My sibling comes home from her cruise today, so I went to the rec center early to get my workout done before frantically cleaning the house, feeding the dogs, and driving out to the airport (which is far, far away from our house). I did 40 minutes on the in-line skating machine.  No weight machines today, and I didn't have time to do armbike since I did a longer workout on the in-line skating machine.  I'll ask my sibling about the exercises she does to relieve her plantar fascitis when it flares up.  Maybe they will help your foot! Kix



on 7/5/07 2:26 am - Magna, UT
Kix, I have the exercises, since I've had this before.  I think that is why it hasn't been quite as bad as it was last time.  I want to try the in-line skating machine.  We don't have one at our gym. Lori
(deactivated member)
on 7/5/07 2:36 am - San Antonio, TX
Ooooch I also have plantar fascitis, but it hasn't bothered me lately.  My doc recommended some brooks sneakers that helped quite a bit actually.  I don't know how much the exercises helped, but sometimes rolling my foot on a tennis ball or an arm weight helped.  My last flare up was awfully painful though, so I feel for you!!!  Great job with 6 miles!  
on 7/5/07 7:14 am - Magna, UT
Thanks!  Seems everyone I meet who has or has had plantar's fascitis, really can relate! Lori
(deactivated member)
on 7/5/07 2:42 am - San Antonio, TX
I honestly feel like I got a great workout this morning just walking from my car to my office.  I parked way far away and took the steep sloped entrance I used to avoid like the plague.  It was HARD, who builds parking lots on steep hills anyway?  Then I took the stairs outside to get to my building (30 stairs, I counted while I huffed and puffed), and then stairs to the third floor in my building.  I was dripping sweat and bright red by that point so I'm going to call it a work out, and take it easy this afternoon, maybe do some of those cleaning exercises I was so determined to do a few weeks ago.    We have had rain every day for almost 3 weeks now, the humidity is absolutely murder walking outside so I had been going early in the morning, but I missed it today.   At least its downhill on the way back to the car!
on 7/5/07 7:16 am - Magna, UT
As long as you are moving and doing what you can, you are exercising!!!!  Good for you!!!  We all start out somewhere.  Before my surgery, I walked with a cane and always parked as close as possible.  I saw every staircase and every large parking lot as an obstacle.  I started out walking 50 ft or so, then around the block, then 1 mile and so on.  2 years later, I can do 6 miles at once!  I never ever thought I'd be doing this.  The freedom that the loss of 150 lbs has given me has been tremendous!  Hang in there, your time is coming! Hugs, Lori
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/07 1:10 am - San Antonio, TX
Aww, thank you for the encouragement.  Your story is very inspiring!            
on 7/5/07 3:04 am - Sacramento, CA

Hi Lori,  I took a few days off of work so haven't had time to sign in at home. I have been working out at the gym as normal. I will be going tonight need to get back into some weight training again cardio alone just isn't working.  So tonight I will be doing 1 hour of cardio and 30 min of weights. That will do it for me. Way to go on the 5k yesterday I am looking forward to doing one myself one day.  Lorraine

on 7/5/07 7:18 am - Magna, UT
Lorraine, I'm sure you are ready to do a 5k now.  It is just 3 miles.  One you might want to consider walking is the "Walk From Obesity" that this site puts on each September.  It is fun and you can feel comfortable with folks that have been through WLS like yourself. Lori
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