I need help

on 6/28/07 5:15 pm - Osage Beach, MO
I need help finding a doc that takes medicare and will preform surgery on a person with a BMI of 81.5----- My name is Angie, I'm a 32 yr old woman with a BMI of 81.5 and my health problems are as follows: high blood pressure sleep apena diabetis degenaritive arthritis high colestrol nuropathy in my feet depression Today I was turned down for the 2nd time by a surgeon who I thought would preform surgery on me. When I called his office the first thing I asked was if they did patients over 450 lbs because the hospitals around my home do not. The answer was yes they do patients up to 800 lbs. So my hopes were high and I was very excitied to get this done. I got a phone call about an hour ago saying that the doctor will not preform surgery on me do to my BMI and underlying health problems. So once again my hopes are smashed. I have all the preop testing done and am well aware of the risks and complications that could occur with this surgery. That is a chance I am willing to take. It's either surgery or die for me. I weight 534 lbs and am 5'8" tall. I am really starting to lose my hope for having this surgery. I know this is the tool I need to lose my weight and stay reasonably healthy. I have been over weight since I was 2 so I've never known what it's like to be skinny and DO NOT have the desire to be skinny. I just want to be healthy and walk and live my life again. Thanks for any and all advice---and yes I have been searching and searching and searching....
on 6/28/07 11:08 pm - ID

Hi Angie. First of all I want to say "HUGS". I had a BMI of 72 and was told that I need to get my BMI to 60 prior to my surgeon doing surgery. I have been on Optifast since April 16th and I am 24 pounds away from a 60 BMI. Have you considered doing something like that? I think most Dr.'s will make you loose a bit of weight first. I am also a medicare patient and can't wait to have my surgery. I know this sounds silly but I have seen a program on TV on the TLC channel called, "Big Medicine". It seems to me that those Dr.'s may do it because they have done surgery on very obese people on the show. They are in Texas. I don't know if that is an option for you but I was just wondering I mean especially if it is life or death! I don't know what their names are but you can look  it up on the TLC web site under "Big Medicine".  Do the Surgeons that you see say anything to you about having to loose a bit of weight first and then they will operate on you? I know it seems impossible but you can do it hun. If they haven't told you, ask one of the surgeons you have seen what do you have to do to get to the point when they feel comftable opperating on you. I wish I could offer more suggestions but, I will keep you in my prayers. Please keep in contact with us and let us know how it goes.

Blessings to you,


on 6/29/07 12:22 am - Pittsboro, NC
Angie welcome to BMI over 50. My advice to you is research all you can and I hope you will find the doctor you need. Sounds like you have already done alot on your own. This no easy road for us SMO and the system dosent mke it any easier for us. As Annie said keep us posted.                                                           Annie Adams

It is never too late to be what you might have been.?
















on 6/29/07 2:19 am - Boron, CA

Unfortunatley you have a road ahead of you but you can do it. go back to PCP tell him what the sergeon said and that you will have to go on a supervised diet probably a liquid one. Liquid is hard to do but sometime the all or nothing approach is easier plus the weith fly off but make sure that you do this with you PCP guidance for because Liquid diets on your own is dangerous. Then when your BMI is down in the 70 a month will do it get another apointment to see the sergeon one the commitment you show and the fact that you are working hard to drop you BMI may change his mind if not his then it will make it easier to find a sergeon. My prayers are with you


Julie ~
on 6/29/07 3:09 am
on 6/29/07 3:54 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Angie: Welcome to the BMI over 50 board.  I am not a professional but I am 1 year post op.  I am going to assume that the reason the surgeon won't perform your surgery is due to your co-morbidities more so than you high BMI.  There is a lady on this board who is phenominal, her screen name is Kix.  She might be able to offer you a wealth of information.  I had my surgery at a BMI of 69, I am also 5'8" but I am 52 years old and only had arthritis in my knees so my surgeon had no problem taking me.  You have gotten some very valuable info from the other posters.  A supervised liquid diet might be your best way to go.  But please make sure that it is supervised.  The hospital where you had the testing do they have a WL coordinator that can perhaps help you?  Did you ask the surgeon who said they would operate his specific reason for refusal? and what is someone who is experiencing this problem do?  The docs who perform the TX on the TV show had the 800 lb. man in the hospital for a month or so on a supervised food plan to get him in the best shape possible for the surgery.  Dont' give up hope you are very young and there will be answers for you.   Please keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing. Jeanne
on 6/29/07 3:08 pm
Hi, Angie -  You and I could be twins in terms of our health problems and weight. I've got most of your health problems, plus I weigh virtually the same as you (I've got a couple of inches on your height, which makes my BMI just a couple of points lower). Anyway, I finally found a Dr. to do my surgery in Memphis. I'm not sure how far away you are and I also don't know if my surgeon takes medicare, but it's worth a shot to find out. He is making me lose down to 510 before he will do surgery. Dr. Woodman has a great reputation around these parts as an excellent, experienced surgeon, so I'm confident he knows what he's doing (although his personality could use some adjusting!). Please give him a try if he's within an acceptable driving distance for you and if he takes medicare. I am a self-pay, so I haven't had to deal with any insurance issues. Good luck!!

No one can take away your right to fight and to never surrender! NEVER SURRENDER!

on 6/29/07 6:09 pm - Ontario, CA
Hi Angie! Welcome to the BMI over 50 board.  There are doctors out there who can help you, the trouble is finding them.  Also, you will probably need to see that your sleep apnea, diabetes and blood pressure are under the best amount of control possible. I don't have answers for you, but I will commit to pray for you, and for the answers that you need.   You are doing the right thing by asking questions, this is the place that best puts you in a place to get answers.  Also, as best as you can, try and lose some amount of weight, and move more.  Even if it seems like just a bit more movement, that will add up, and you will get better at getting in more exercise.  All of that make you a better surgical candidate, and show that you are working at making a difference in our cir****tances. While it is hard to keep holding on to the hope, you must do that so that you can continue fighting for surgery.  The depression can overwhelm you and make you feel that nothing will change, nothing will happen, and if you left the depression take over, that's exactly what will happen.  The depression is your biggest fight right now, and you've got to get help for it, and stand strong in your desire to surgery. Be encouraged, don't give up and press on! Jennie

31 lbs lost before surgery

on 7/4/07 3:15 am - Milledgeville, GA


My name is Renee!! As I read your letter I nearly cried! You and I sound just alike!! You are where I  was this time last year. I could not hardly move and was nearly bed bound. I had the worst time finding a surgeon. I have you in my prayers and hope that you can find someone who will talk to you. It is a hard road to go down but if you put your mind to it and trust GOD you can do anything. I used to get angry at the thought of having to loose an X amount of wt before surgery but then I found out that it is for my safety and for the surgeons too. Some of them can make you feel like you are really bad for being a large person but dear, please dont let them steal your joy. I almost gave up, I really did more than once but the people on this board are the ones who took the time to help me and to support me. Now, a year later, I am 100 pounds lighter and my big day is July 9, 2007. Yep it is really gonna happen but I did have to work very hard to get here. The way I did it was PROTEIN, AND WATER!! Sorry, please dont think I am yelling at you sweety but that is my way of telling you how I did it. I drink water like I am in the middle of the desert and it is 120 outside haha...I do about 90 grams of protein a day 3 times a day 30 grams at each sitting. I then drink LOTS of water I would say probly about 200 ounces of it a day haha.....I keep bottles of water in the frige and fill them up daily. When I do eat I will have a salad with no salt (you will have to wean yourself down to this if you like salt) and I usually dont add any dressing I once again had to cut myself off from this. I will have a broiled hamburger patty for my meat and a can of green beans. I totally dislike veggies but I do make myself eat the beans for the vitamins. It is a very hard thing to do and for snacks I will eat a pickle and yes I know that can be a bad thing if you over do it cos they are loaded with salt but it is better than a piece of candy. I try to keep my mind on tv or reading maybe to keep from eating. I am what one would call a "grazer" cos I can eat all day long and dont stop any hardly. I have had to change my eating habits 200 percent. It is not gonna be the easiest thing to do but you can do it, with Gods help you can do anything. I hope you have all the luck in the world and I really hope you can find a doc to help you. My prayers are with you and I am sending you a hug okay? God Bless You dear.......Renee


Michelle W.
on 7/5/07 4:09 am - Olmsted Falls, OH
Whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP.The odds were stacked on me as well, I didn't have insurance, denied first time, but I refused to fail.You deserve a chance to start over.My BMI was 61 when I started out.
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