need encouragment
my test results came back today.
My surgar is very high and my FSH came back as a 9 so you know what that means.
The main thing riht now is to get my sugar down.
My doc is putting me on another insulin at night this along with 2 oral diabetes meds and my byetta insulin.
I admitt I am addicted to sweets but try like the devil to avoid that craving.
Since I got a surgery date my sweet cravings have gone through the roof.
I keep telling myself well this is the last time I can have this soo I have been indulging.
I know what I need to do to get them lower and I know I will do much better in surgery if my sugar is lower.
Any ideas would be good.
this has been an intresting week.
First part I had a bug fly in my ear that was horrible.
Had my IUD removed because I was having difficulty only to find out the thing was half way out.
We talked about my age birth control the surgery ect..
Well from the results it looks like I am not in menapause so bc options will have to be looked OMG.
I dont think at 48 would be such a good idea to get pregnant after surgery.
Hi, Annie:
OK, first of all, no more sweets.
Sweets are evil! Don't think of things in terms of "last time" or "last suppers" or you will eat until you explode! Better to work on that now and get used to different ways of eating than to go through horrible withdrawl post-op. Besides, you don't want your liver to be the size of a limosine on surgery day, do you?
When the craving**** either drink a huge glass of water or go do something else to distract you from snacking. Or, you could try the SF Popsicles now and see if that helps curb your sweet tooth.
Ouch on the IUD nearly falling out! How about getting your husband snipped? That would be pretty easy for you, and not so bad for him. I know what you mean about getting pregnant at 48 -- I'm 50 this year (EEK!) and there's no way I'd have a baby at this age.
Did you get the bug out of your ear?
Next week will be better, I think it has been kind of a weird week for everyone.

Sweet I do understand it is hard I am just on the 6 month supervised diet and it has been tough especially for me quitting smoking. I will tell you I was having a fit for chocolate something fierce yesterday but I bought some SF popcicles and had one before dinner and one after and my craving went away. also maybe try so sf Gello or worse come to worse a few berries they have some carbs but also a lot of fiber give that a shot.
Girlfriend it is sooooo hard. I know I have that last supper syndrom going on with me too. But I see my surgeon on Monday and hope to get my date then. Once that hapens I have told myself that is it!! I am going to be 'good'. Do it for yourself girl. Do whatever it takes to make yourself healthy for the surgery and recovery. Wanna eat, get on the computer and call for help. We are here for you. HUGS Jo