Gym Is Open (Tuesday)
Lori, sorry to hear you're not feeling 100% today. Maybe it's a bit of PTSD from yesterday's drama at your workplace. I saw a photo of the perp, man, what a scary mofo! Some perps, like this dude and Charles Manson, really need to be in the express lane on Death Row.
I woke up in a bad mood this morning, went to the rec center, and was nearly trampled by 1.5 million kids leaving the building after swimming lessons.
I did 20 minutes of in-line skating machine and 30 minutes of armbike. We'll see how my knees feel tomorrow, and if they aren't sore, then I will quit doing treadmill and do in-line skating machine instead.
The exercise felt great, but it didn't improve my mood at all. I've decided not to go out again today, so maybe cleaning the house and making a crockpot full of Fart Stew (sorry for the gross name, it's a yummy stew that has a bunch of different kinds of beans in it along with spinach, chicken, tomatoes, and the kitchen sink) to nibble on the next few days will help perk up my spirits.