need to vent
Wow I have had a day for a nightmare but I am a bit proud I made it through.
My little old mother (she will be 75 though you would not know it) walked out on her new husband(married a 11/2 Years) and ran away to my house last night well all is well that end well they kissed a made up today. But I stayed up coming her down then My job called and some 2/3rds of my staff called off so with no sleep at 1130PM I went to work. worked a 12 hour very busy shift came home and am still standing. and my support system (my husband) is away for two days. why am I so proud??? well
1. did not blow my diet ( though I really really wanted to )
2. did not try to find a cigerette ( Though I REALLY WANTED THAT and were I worked would have been easy to get)
3. and have as of yet not been crabby with my kids.