Gym Is Open (Wednesday)

on 6/20/07 2:22 am - Magna, UT

The gym was very hot this morning.  I worked out, but, the heat made me feel kind of sick.  I think this near 100 degree weather is wreaking havoc with the air conditioning system at the gym. I did 25 min on the eliptical, then 15 min abs, then ran out of the place!

What did you do to move your body today?



on 6/20/07 4:36 am - Wilmington, NC
Hi Lori -  Ha Ha - My gym was hot too.  I used to be able to walk out and the cool air would hit my face - not anymore!!! Today did free weights for chest, back (already feels sore this afternoon), shoulder, biceps, triceps 25 min on the elliptical, 25 min on treadmill

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/07 6:12 am - San Antonio, TX
I haven't had much opportunity for working out lately, but I did get some time on the bike today and I'm going to go walk around the fancy mall I can't afford this evening - husband and father-in-law left for a ballgame in Dallas today (thank goodness I get a little break) so I can wander and window shop without my husband, who is so impatient sometimes.  Its not so much the buying as the act of shopping that I enjoy.   Tomorrow I get to babysit 3 boys (8, 5, 1) so I'm sure I will get some exercise then!
just jacie
on 6/20/07 6:51 am - Minneapolis, MN
Hi Lori Today I did: 45 min. Precor elliptical 30 min. treadmill WT on abs and legs
on 6/20/07 7:30 am, edited 6/20/07 7:31 am - CO
Lori, we are roasting from the heat over here in Colorado, too.  It's so hot, I'm pretty sure I saw Lucifer waiting for the express bus downtown when I drove by the Park and Ride.  Unfortunately for me, my new-to-me mobile doesn't have air conditioning.  As for moving my body, does shifting the gears in the car about eight billion times count as exercise?  I don't know what was wrong with me today, but I suddenly became directionally impaired.  If I needed to turn right, I turned left.  If I needed to go north, I went south.  I ended up in parts of my county I'd never seen before, and I'm not sure the founding fathers have, either.  One or two more blocks and I might have ended up  in Utah!  I picked up a disabled pass for the national parks, and the woman who waited on me was very nice.  When I showed up at the desk, she said, "Are you the one who called about the disabled access pass?"  I guess they don't get many folks in their office who wear oxygen I went to Wally's and was horrified at how many TSLs (too stupid to live) folks were shopping today.  I was zooming down the aisles  in the motorized cart, and more than once, someone just walked in front of me like I wasn't even there.  I just about T-boned three people and a family of six.  Oy!  Not only that, I had to get stuff for my sibling's dinner, which meant I had to go down aisles I usually avoid (chips, cookies, etc).  I really wanted about 85 of those soft, iced sugar cookies, too!  GRR! To quote Big ***** from the Sopranos, "I got agita!"  But, at least I'm home now and out of the heat, and I've turned the air conditioning down to about 74.  Ahh! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 6/20/07 7:37 am
Amen to the being too hot! It is sweltering in Denver today. And silly me decided to do another hike today I woke up this morning and dreaded going to the gym, so I took off to the mountains again. I figured since it was at 8000 elevation it might be a little cooler, but no, it was freakin' hot!  I also figured that since I was walking among trees most of the time that I would be in the shade the entire time - WRONG! How is it that I was in the sun the entire time??? I swear I sweated off 20 pounds, I was just dripping the entire time. On top of all that, I decided to take an alternate route back to the trailhead, not realizing I was going to add 2 miles to the already 5 miles I had hiked. The trail never ended, it just went on and on and on! I was seriously dieing at this point, when the last mile of the trail went UPHILL!! Since when do trails end with a massive, 500 foot elevation gain???!!!!   I was cursing that trail the whole stinking time. So in conclusion, I actually hiked 7 miles in 3 hours, gained a total of 1800 feet in elevation and every muscle on my body hurts. On top of that, I missed my afternoon class because it took me so long to finish the hike. Gee, what a day.
on 6/20/07 7:47 am - CO
You know, I was driving around all day in my directionally impaired condition and went past many, many  trailheads -- it didn't occur to me to look up to see if a melting redhead needed aid!  This heat is going to kill me by next week.  It's only going to get hotter by the weekend.  I got woozy when I saw it was going to be in the high 80s at Vail.  Vail!  Isn't that like 14,000 feet in elevation?! No way am I walking the dogs this afternoon.  The doxie would faint from heatstroke and the shih-tzu would take shade somewhere and refuse to get up. Kix



Diana C
on 6/20/07 8:59 am - Pearland, TX
Hi Lori, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 10 on the elliptical trainer. I also did 30 minutes on different tummy and leg machines.

     01-2008005.jpg picture by Diana1604 01-2008001.jpg picture by Diana1604 BillDiana2.jpg picture by Diana1604
iana ~ Mommy to Cody  04/08/07 ~ Wife to Bill

(deactivated member)
on 6/21/07 10:16 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
I'm late in posting, but thought I'd jump in anyway.  On Wednesday, I lifted weights at lunch, then did 60 minutes of cardio after work.  I did 45 minutes on the elliptical trainer, 5 minutes on the stairmaster, then 10 minutes on the bike.  I never, ever thought I would be able to do a stairmaster, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.  So much so that when I did cardio on Thursday, I did 10 minutes on the stairmaster, which was the equivalent of 25 flights!  Pretty darn impressive for someone who used to be huffing and puffing after climbing one flight of stairs!   It's not too hot here in Cleveland, but I'm vacationing in Williamsburg VA next week.  Temps there are supposed to be in upper 90's with extremely high humidity.  Hope the air conditioning at our accomodations is in fine working order!!! Kellie
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