Gym Is Open (Tuesday)
I had my early morning class today, then got home and planned to go do my typical gym workout. But I just wasn't motivated to workout inside so I headed for the mountains. I started driving, found a trail and started to hike. It was beautiful and just what I needed! I ended up doing 3 miles in an hour, which I felt pretty good about since the last time I did this trail I could barely do it in 2 hours. Quite the improvement in 2 months!
I did have an embarrassing moment though - I was going back down when I passed a biker. I stepped aside to let him pass, said hi and proceeded to let a loud fart rip. I just started to laugh, I couldn't believe I had done that. And he was really cute too! Dang, I might of just missed out on meeting my future hubby!
Don't you just love those little WLS side affects

Luckily it wasn't too loud, just loud enough. But it certainly was embarrassing! I was hoping he wasn't going to be at the parking lot the same time i was and he didn't show up, thank goodness.
It was actually pretty cool on the trail, there were lots of trees and it was about 10 degrees cooler than sweltering Denver! I think I might have to do it later this week as well, it is wayyyy too hot out there! I'm not quite ready for it being this hot - I like my 80's!
I read about your brother-in-law, I'm so sorry about that. I have a good friend who just had his second liver transplant due to Hep C - it has been a long haul for him. I really feel for your niece, that's a tough thing to go through at 10. I'll add them to my prayer list.
No rec center for me today. I had to go downtown for two long medical appointments, so I took the accessible van and my sibling picked me up on her way home from work.
Lots of walking between clinics, plus the two laps around the second floor when the RT wanted to make sure I can function on 1.5 liters of oxygen. She was nervous when I told her I'd turned it down because I didn't feel like I needed to be on 2 liters anymore. I was right, I did just fine on 1.5 liters. It was funny walking around being tethered to a pulse oximeter and the RT following behind me. Now I know how the dogs feel when I take them for walks.
I had a CPAP evaluation as well, and was I embarrassed when she took the back off the machine and the filter was jammed full of dust.
She asked how often I cleaned the filter, and I told her I had no idea there was a filter in there that needed to be cleaned. I got the machine in January 2004. I guess I should be glad the sucker didn't explode on me! Oh, and it turns out the mask I poached from the hospital last Christmas didn't have any vent ports in it, so I've probably been giving myself brain damage because there was no place for the CO2 to escape. Aren't medical appointments fun?!
(I didn't have the heart to tell her my brain was damaged way before now
I sat outside and basked in the sun (getting valuable Vitamin D as well as mental health benefit of lovely, lovely sunshine) in between appointments and have gotten a bit crispy as a result. I don't think it's anything too terrible, though. Of course, we'll see what transpires during the night.