Well Tuesday I went for my 18 month check up with my surgeon. She was very pleased with my progress. I mentioned to her the pain I have had (5 episodes) She thinks it is my gall bladder. I told her that when I take tums, the pain subsides within minutes. So she is trying me on the medication. I take it 30 minutes before every meal, for a month. If no pain then it was an ulcer, if I still have pain then out comes my gall bladder.(they already know I have stones, they have been silent for years) I know alot of you have had to have your gall bladder out also. so I will survive. I was hoping to talk to her about plastics, but we never even got to that. Oh well next time Everyone have a great day, Lynn

Karma....What would life be without it? 250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!
Lynn, I had my gallbladder out in 1981 at Kaiser Martinez Hospital (back when Kaiser had a hospital in Martinez). Kaiser had just bought the building from either the county or a labor union and converted it into a hospital to take some of the pressure off Walnut Creek. It was so new that few people knew about it, but a friend of mine had been hospitalized there, so that's how I found out about it. When the docs in Walnut Creek told me I needed gallbladder surgery, I immediately found a surgeon at the Martinez hospital. In those days, you were admitted the day before surgery, then surgery, then if surgery was uneventful, you stayed in the hospital for five days! I had a private room and an RN all to myself because their caseload was so low. All that, and my copay was only $1.00. Those were the days...
My bariatric surgeon doesn't routinely remove gallbladders, either. His course of action is to prescribe Actigall, which sounds like what you're taking now. My stones were never silent, they harassed me every day until the doctors finally thought to check me for gallstones (I was only 24, and they thought I was too young to have gallstones).
If you end up needing it removed, they can do it lap. I watched a lap gallbladder surgery on TV and it was so cool the way they just went in, snipped, and VOILA! They pulled out the laparascope and there was a gallbladder dangling from the end!
Sorry for the long story, but your mentioning gallbladders brought back memories! Congratulations on 18 months out with great success, and I'll bet Vallejo is roasting if it's 102 degrees in Sacramento tomorrow.