Gym is open (Friday)
Welcome to Friday, ladies and gentlemen. Start your engines for what should be a beautiful weekend (at least here in Cleveland).
Today will be a 2-a-day for me: I'll lift weights for upper and lower body at lunch, followed by 50-60 minutes of cardio after work.
What will you do to move your body today?
My sibling decided to work at home today
, so we'll go to the rec center later and I'll do armbike. I think I'll take a day off treadmill. I feel kind of blah today.
The free grub last night was a real letdown. I thought they'd have something like a meat tray and a cheese tray. They served lasagna and salad. Lucky for me, I brought cheese sticks, so I ate those along with the meat I dug out of my helping of lasagna. I also had a small bit of salad. They even skimped with the bottled water, providing more soda pop than water (and the crowd was mostly boomer-aged folks or older, no one drank soda at all during the presentation). Cheapskates! You'd think Toyota could afford to be a bit more generous.
After the free grub and the presentation, we went to Sonic for the free root beer float promotion. Our Sonic was packed. They handled the crowds well, directing traffic to the drive-up line (if you were actually ordering food), or handing out the floats car to car. We waited less than five minutes. No root beer float for me, which meant more for my sister!
Oddly enough, I did not mind not having a float. Hooray for WLS!