Anybody count calories and carbs not just protein?
Just wondering if anyone else tracked their counts on Fitday or Sparkpeople?
If so, do you track carbs? My nut never gave me a carb count just a calorie count and I was just curious what everyone else does.
I try to eat "good" carbs of fruit, veggies, and grains with the occasional white carb thrown in for a treat if I need it.

I track (1) calories, (2) carbs, (3) fat, (4) fiber, (5) protein, and (6) energy expended through exercise. I use software on my PDA that's similar to what's available at (my software is from I aim for a calorie mix that 50% of calories from carbs, 25% from protein, 25% from fat. Although the carb percentage may sound high, I exercise quite a bit, so I need the carbs to give me energy to support my workouts. On most days, I aim for between 200-250 grams of good carbs. I know some folks may find that number shocking, but it works for me (I'm down 184 pounds in 18 months).
I hope this information is helpful -
Wow Kellie! That's impressive. I just wanted some opinions because I've been at quite a stall/slow losing the past couple of months. I'm sure it's just my body trying to catch up. I've lost 145 and will be 14 months out on Monday.
I got around 120 grams of carbs yest - all good ones - fruit, veggies, whole grains, low fat dairy. It just seemed so high compared to everyone else. I work out 5-6 times a week with 45-60 min of cardio and rotate my weight workouts. I'll have to just be patient and realize this is for a lifetime. I just can taste my MD goal which is 41 pounds away (geez, never thought I would be saying that!!!)
Anyway, thanks for the response and encouragement.
Thanks for the response Sally. I didn't start out counting carbs but track my calories on Fitday (I found out I was eating more than I thought) and noticed my carbs seemed high compared to everyone else I polled (50-70). I can definitely get in my protein also and pick healthy fresh choices. I feel great but just wanted some other ideas/opinions. You've done wonderfully! Way to go!
I use Sparkpeople which I love and track calories, protein, carbs. My nut and I met about a month ago and I took in my printouts. She said they were on track---I limit carbs to under 100 (good carbs: fruits, vegs, whole grains, dairy and an occasional treat like graham crackers (whole grain), protein to 100 grams, and my calories to 12-1500.
I'm almost 18 months out and have lost 181 lbs. and am working on the last 22 to meet my goal.
One thing we talked about that you may want to consider is that as you increase your exercise, you should increase your calories; otherwise, your body will get used to the level it's at and it will be hard to maintain if you decrease your exercise. (I'm planning on doing a BOOTCAMP session this summer to get rid of the last 22 lbs.---but I will cut back again after school starts so she said make sure I increase my calories now (protein shake or bar after workouts) OR my body will rebel and go into starvation mode.)
The thing (actually there are many) I love about my nut is she says "Be kind to yourself." I love that philosophy because this is a life-long process. So many times in the past, we've beat ourselves up because we "failed" at our diet---too many points on WW, ate the four granola bars for the week on the way home from Jenny Craig, ---you know. We can make a mistake but we no longer have the ability to go nuts and eat the whole bag, box, sack, whatever, so mainatining control is so much easier.
Didn't mean to ramble but hope some of this helps.
"All we must do is decide what to do with the time given us."--Gandalf, LOTR
"All we must do is decide what to do with the time given us."--Gandalf, LOTR