Tried a new product
Last night at our OH support group our leader had some sample products for us to try from Smart Forme.
We tasted both the Chili and the Sour Cream and Onion flavored soy snacks. Each packet is 120 cal. 7-8 carbs. and 15g of protein.
These were the best tasting little snacks I've had in a long time! I swear the sour cream and onion tasted just like Lay's chips!
I tried to go online last night to see about buying them ... but they aren't listed on their website. So today I contacted them and they told me they will be available starting next week. Only two flavors to start with - Chili and then Garlic/Parsley. They come in individual packages.
They also offer a Chocolate Soy Crisp that we tasted last month, it was good - at first - then it had that whey tasting after taste and I didn't care for it.