Gym is open (Wednesday)
I went to the rec center early this morning (well, early for me) and had to fight the seniors for the machines! I did 20 minutes of intensive armbike, level 4 and 10 minutes of treadmill.
I'll probably do the same thing again tonight (including fighting for the equipment -- Wed nights are "cancer survivors' class" and this particular group stays on the machines for hours). One woman last week had been there three hours working out. The armbike isn't that popular, so if the treadmills are too busy, I'll just do 30 minutes of armbike.
It's hot and windy in Colorado today, reminds me of California (and makes me think about fire season).
My sister called around 3:45 to say she had to attend a business meeting out PJ's way tonight, so I took that opportunity to head back over to the rec center, where I did 20 more minutes of armbike and 10 more minutes of treadmill. I like that I can walk 10 minutes on the treadmill now before I feel tired, and that's after not doing treadmill since Blobby was removed back in April.
I made it just in time to get my workout done before the thundering herds arrived. Even so, there were plenty of folks working out while I was there. I chatted briefly with an older man and his adult daughter (she looked close to my age) who were touring the rec center. They had never seen an armbike before, so I told them how it worked while I was exercising. The dad liked the armbike and said he would definitely use it, so I think he'll be signing up for a rec membership.
So, to make a long story short, I exercised for one hour today. If I keep up this workout pace, maybe I can look as fine as Lorraine!

(deactivated member)
on 6/6/07 5:47 am - San Antonio, TX
on 6/6/07 5:47 am - San Antonio, TX
I did Just My Size Yoga tape and walked this morning for about 20 minutes. I plan to scrub the bathroom tonight. Father in law comes to visit soon and I don't want him to know I am a bad housekeeper!
I didn't work out yesterday, but it felt really good today.