Painters are gone Yipeee
Finally after two weeks of people in and out of my house they finished up and are gone.
My house is a disaster pictures are down need to be rehung electrical covers off and so on.
We are very happy with the painting .
So the next big event is to meet with the surgeon on June 18th.
During all the work going on I all of a sudden got my period again.
Havent had one in months but usally when I start dropping weight I always have a cycle.
Other than that I am doing well very tired of all the house stuff but moving forward to the next big adventure.
Sounds like our house! No strangers though, hubby has been painting, first the Master bedroom, then the kitchen and this past weekend while I was gone visiting cousins he painted the living room. He's on a roll!!! The hallway and guest bedroom are next ... in a few weeks.
Best wishes to you with your surgeon's visit.
Hi Tracy,
Picking colors was totally new for me.
The kitchen I picked a very light yellow color called North Star the hallway and livingroom were done in a textured paint called Latte and the bedroom was done in a color called Siliver Sea and the guest bathroom a very light sea green called Reflections.
As for pictures stay tuned LOL still putting things back in order.
I got to sleep in this morning after getting up in the wee hours the past two weeks.
Put my cpap on this morning after saying good by to hubby and I slept wonderfully felt so good to wake up knowing strangers would not be here today.