Motivation is here at last!!!!
The visit to the surgeon on 5/14 really got me motivated, (I found out what my highest weight was) and I weaned myself onto my self-designed pre-surgery diet (I hate that word). Although the first week was tough, it is now second nature. Since we hadn't been able to weigh me since February, my doc had to search the Cape for a scale, so when I got weighed on Thursday I had lost almost 16lbs. Of couse I think that's a bunch of bull, that the surgeon's scale had to be wrong, but I would have been happy with 4lbs off so I remain motivated. I can feel the difference though, especially in how I turn over at night. This leads me to think it all came off my butt, which was actually the last place it went on
On Thursday I had my doc take my pictures, and then I took my measurements after being strongly advised to do so by a new OH friend I made who lives nearby. I even measured my wrist and instep, and today I'll think I'll do my head. One of my goals is to get a Red Sox hat to fit
. Looking at the pictures helped me finally determine that I wasn't an apple or a pear, but a Christmas Tree. No wonder it was hard finding clothes!!!
Well, I've been off OH for a few days and am catching up. You all look to be doing well, even those of you who had some tough times. I applaud your efforts and thank you for sharing as it keeps me motivated.
For those who didn't catch my earlier post, I changed my name.
-Gemma (aka JB)

Hi Sweetie! Congratulatons on your loss. That's wonderful news! I am glad you're motivated. They say success breeds success, so I know you'll keep on losing until surgery. Anyway, doing the measurements is a good idea. I wish I had done it. I can say that he head went down three sizes or more. I used to have to wear adjustible caps on the last hole, now I wear them three or more holes form the end - depending on the cap. I didn't realize we could have fat on our heads. I knew I had a fat neck, but head?!?!!?
Anyway, enjoy your success and the fruit of your hard work. It only get better from here!
Hugs, Tracy
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!