Big Medicine/Moral Court & Sandie Sabo
Julie: I belong to a group called SSizewize and one of the members posted the Big Medicne show as a reminder to watch the show. Another member responded tha****ching that show would be like watching a train wreck and who in that group would want to watch a show about WLS. I responded that I was going to watch and how I had the surgery after reaching 456 lbs and in fear that I would lose my mobility. The modirator of the site, shut down my response saying although she wished me luck it is a very dangerous operation and the long term effects are not all known and WLS is not to be discussed on the board (only if it's the positive side). I was so taken back by this as I am not a young woman. I am 52 and educated. I made this decision because I didn't want to wind up in a nursing home and not able to care for myself. I was not supporting WLS, just my opinion on it. In a previous post I had mentioned the surgery and I had 50 e-mails privately requesting information and wanting to talk to me. Almost all of them stated the same thing that they were terrified of being ousted from the group if they asked any questions. I watched the show Big Medicine last night and I did not agree with allowing a 20 year old to have the surgery, but i don't know all the cir****tances. I also thanked God that I got help before I became like Allen. I cringe that our health care system in this country is so poor that this poor child fell through the cracks. Groups like NAAFA have their good points but sometimes I feel that they border on wanting to keep people fat, sort of a misery likes company. We live a world where there always has to be someone to be "picked on" whether it is because of race, creed, religion, size, or disability. The good part is that mostly all are protected by the law. Fat is not. Unless Ms. Sabo stuck that fork into that woman's mouth she shouldn't be blamed. It is her group so I guess she can call the shots as she sees fit.
I am so thankful that I had the surgery, I won't pu**** down anyone's throat, but if you are 350 lbs. plus you are only kidding yourself that you will not have problems as you age, if you age.
Thanks for your post, I needed to vent.
on 5/29/07 3:05 am - San Antonio, TX
I thought about, and would have qualified for, WLS at 20 or so. I was 300lbs out of high school, already 200 over the so-called healthy 100-120 lbs for my height. But at that point I still thought I could lose it on my own. Looking back on it now, in some respects I wish I had gone through with surgery because now I've got 100 additional lbs to lose, and I've missed out on a lot of stuff in the last 9 years. It would have made life much better in the long run, and I might never have developed such high BP, etc.
On the other hand, I didn't see the show, I don't know how mature the girl was, and I think that people are very different. Some 20 year olds are perfectly capable and mature enough to handle such a decision and the aftermath, while others definitely cannot. Heck some 40 year olds can't seem to handle or shouldn't be allowed to make such important decisions!
I also have an opinion about NAAFA. Although their cause is of course extremely important, they do come across as a misery loves company kind of group to me also. I have read their opinions about WLS. Absolutely, you should be proud at any size, and you should have the same rights as anyone else, but if you aren't happy being fat and you are aware of how much harder its going to get until you die (young) then what's wrong with considering WLS? Its not like they are going to run out of fat people anytime soon.
I just want to live for as long as I can, and to enjoy my life while I have it. Right now, I don't get to experience all of the things I should. We only have one life (IMO) and its time I started making the best out of mine!
So I rambled a little, oops.
Jennifer: Thanks for pointing out about the struggles of a teen and young girl. I was always 200 lbs.+ since I was 12. I learned how to adjust and I felt that I was living life to the fullest. I guess I really wasn't but WLS was not an option a million years ago (lol). I wish you luck in your journey. Please keep us posted.
I loved your comment about running out of fat people.

The only person that is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Live while you are alive
Our fates result from our own choices, in this life and every other.
I bid you only remember that, and choose mindfully,
according to the wisdom that is within you.
Ancestors of Avalon