Obesity and disability
Our fates result from our own choices, in this life and every other.
I bid you only remember that, and choose mindfully,
according to the wisdom that is within you.
Ancestors of Avalon
I'm on SSDI (Social Security Disability) and it's not an easy process. You don't just sign up for it and start getting checks.
In order to qualify for SSDI, you have to have enough work credits (and if you haven't worked in 7 years, you probably don't have enough credits to qualify; if memory serves, you need 40 credits in the last five years prior to disability). People who do not have enough credits to qualify for SSDI can apply for SSI, but SSI is a needs-based program and your husband's income would put you over the limit for SSI. Also, you need to know that when someone is granted SSDI, Medicare doesn't kick in until two years and six months after your date of disability (so if Social Security determined you were disabled as of 5/07, you would not be eligible for Medicare until 11/09).
Additionally, SSDI is based on how your disability affects your ability to do any job, not just the job you had prior to becoming disabled. You also have to document in great detail how your disability affects your ability to perform ADLs (activities of daily living). You also need to have medical documentation of your disability (it's not just a note from your doctor saying "She's disabled." It is detailed documentation and the questions involved some very odd exercises and things like, "How often do you carry items that weigh less than 10 lbs?"). Even if you have your own doctor submit medical records, you will most likely have to be evaluated by a Social Security doctor. The one I saw was really an odd duck, but he did a fair evaluation of my condition and I was awarded SSDI on my first try (which is unusual, it takes most people several tries).
When I applied for SSDI, I had many comorbidities in addition to my super morbid obesity. Even though I have lost a great deal of weight, not all of my health problems have resolved yet.
If obesity is your only disability, it might be tricky, but not impossible. Your first step is to call Social Security and see if you have enough credits for SSDI. If you don't, perhaps you need to talk to the Vocational Rehab folks in your state to see if they have any options to offer you with regard to finding work as a differently abled individual.
Best of luck,