Just a little frustrated

on 5/25/07 2:47 pm - CO
I had my initial consultation with my dr. on February 14, 2007, and I have yet to finish all of my evaluations for surgery clearance!  I still have to have the sleep study and that is not until July 1, 2007 and I have had that appointment since March!  It just seems like I am never going to get a date!  I was hoping to get it done sometime this summer so I could be home over the summer but it doesn't look like that is going to happen!  I guess I just need a little encouragement to hang in there, I know it will happen when it is suppose to!
future former fat chick
on 5/25/07 9:37 pm - Baltimore, MD
The best things in life are well worth waiting for, sweetie!  I know you're anxious to get started, but hang in there!  They'llbe wheeling you in for surgery before you know it then you will wonder where the time went.  Hugs,Tracy

Jesus is so good to me;  I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!

Victoria B.
on 5/25/07 11:48 pm - Levittown, PA
I called the sleep lab a couple times a week to see if there was a cncelation and made a nice phone friend with the woman who schedules. I would say Hi it's Victoria with my bi-weekly call. She would laugh I would say please tell me if these calls are bothering you and she said no. I had my date moved up 1 and 1/2 months. It does not hurt to call and be nice so when they get a cancelation your name is in the front of there mind. I also let them know I could be up there in 45 minutes for a last minute cancelation.
Best of luck to you.

on 5/26/07 2:56 am - CO
Thanks, this sounds like a great idea, I know how to pour on the charm as well so I think I will have to make a bi weekly call to see if I can get a date moved up!  Thank you for the encouragement and good luck to you!
on 5/26/07 2:51 am, edited 5/26/07 2:52 am - Muskogee, OK
Hi there,  I was wondering can you take a canceled appointment to hurry things along?  Sometimes offices will let folks have a earlier date if you can show up on the fly due to someone canceling.  I often make a appt. date and then ask if I can be put on the list for cancels. This works wonderfully for dentist and cardiologist appt. for my boys. In the mean time hang in there time has a way of flying by. You will get your clearance before you know it. Best wishes and good luck. Huggzz, Dedee
"I haven't failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that don't work" ~Thomas Edison

on 5/27/07 9:36 am - Philadelphia, PA
Your time will come.  As a previous post states all good things come to those who wait.  I do have a questions.  If you are from Phillie ( I am also) with all the great hospitals we have why did you not switch surgeons.  I know that the process takes time, however you seem to have to have waited a very long time.  I am just curious.  Anyway, you will be on the loser's bench very soon.   Good luck to you and keep us posted. BTW where in Phillie are you and have you gone onto the Pennsylvania board.  There are many Barix patients there. Jeanne
on 5/29/07 8:13 am - CO
Hi Jeanne, I am in North Philly, close to fairmount park!  It's not really my surgeon at barix, it's temple hospital where I am getting the sleep study done, because of my insurance I have to go to temple because that is the hospital that my primary care uses, so they are the hold up!  I have tried to call them again but still no luck so I will wait patiently, by the time it's all said and done, it will be like a year since I first went to an information meeting with barix clinics.  However I am optimistic and looking forward to joining the losers bench!   Thank you for the encouragement, Kimbra
on 5/30/07 6:54 am - Philadelphia, PA
Kimbra: I work with a woman who had her surgery at Temple.  I wish you luck.  I work over on Broad and Arch Streets.  Please feel free to contact me if you want to talk. [email protected].  Please believe me that it is so worth the wait. Jeanne
on 5/29/07 5:24 am - Magna, UT
This is so worth the wait!  In the meantime, read up, read up, read up.  Get whatever exercise you can.  You will do great!
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