I have a direction to go in now (long)
This morning the nurse called to schedule my appointment with the surgeon.
For the first time since I started down this road I feel I have a direction to go in now.
I am having my house painted inside and out and some repairs done from a wind storm we had a month ago.
I told Lee last night I want the house all fixed and pictures rehung and in order before my surgery.
Lots going on but its like a whole new start is about to happen.
I have been picking colors for differents rooms ect... and new curtains all very exciting for a new start.
In the past I have just had the basic eggshell in the rooms but now I am treading on new ground.
It's going to be fun to see how the colors will change the rooms.
I am also making a mental list of a few new places I want to eat at.
Yesterday my friend and I went to one of them and it was wonderful and so much fun to be with my girl friend we had a blast.
I ended up bringing most of my order home and had it for dinner but it was still just as good.
For the past few months I have found that I am not eatting as much it is sorta weird.
I first see the food and think oh wow that looks great and put a normal amount on my plate then By the time I start to eat I only eat a small amount and am very satisfied and cant eat any more.
Maybe it is my mind preparing me before surgery.
I always do find room for the desert tho LOL.