Gym is Open Friday
Good morning or afternoon, Well I kept waiting on Lori but I guess she has been busy today so I will start of the gym. I have really been working hard on my cardio segment of my workout (good for the heart) tomorrow I will be doing cardio and weight training you have to have a healthy balance with your workout. Well so I did 80 min today total 35 min on elliptical and 45 on the treadmill. I wont be able to post tomorrow so let just say I will be in the gym for 2 hours, I like to take my time on saturday lot of people to talk to so it takes me long to get finish. Well what did you do to move your body today? Lorraine
Hi, Lorraine! I know Lori's been super busy, so I'm sure she'll appreciate your opening the gym today. I lifted weights for upper body and lower body at lunch time. I'm going to do 40-45 minutes on elliptical trainer after work. When I can, I like to split my workout when I lift and do cardio on the same day. That gives my body some time to replenish my glycogen stores, so I've got enough "fuel" for my second exercise session. When I lift and do cardio in the same session, I'm totally wiped out by the time I'm done and it just doesn't feel good. Enjoy your leisurely workout tomorrow - I like going to the gym on the weekends when I'm not in a hurry! Kellie
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!