Gym Is Open (Thursday)
Hi guys!
I've been very busy with little time to spend on this site. I haven't had a chance to respond to most of you. I am, however, reading your comments and thinking of you!
I did not go to the gym this morning and won't be able to this evening. Tomorrow, I am going after work as I'm part of a seminar and have to be there at 6 am to meet Vendors so they can set up. I feel extremely busy right now.
What did you do to move your body today?
No problem Lori, just the fact that you "Open" up the gym everyday is enough for us! Thanks for always doing that.
I decided to take a hike today - I always wait until the weekend and I realized yesterday that, since I am out of work I don't have to go when everyone else does. So, I strapped on my backpack and took to the hills. Found a new hike that I wanted to try and it was a killer - straight up and rock climbing the entire first mile. I was pretty proud of myself though, I made it without my legs screaming at me. Of course, I was sweating like crazy but I had no problem making it up!
I was going to do the 6 mile loop but after the first mile I got to the even more extreme portion of the trail that had a creek that was overflowing, and I was going to have to cross it. A guy I meet on the trail told me it got worse up top and I just didn't feel comfortable doing that by myself, so I opted for the 3 mile loop that was somewhat safer. I am, however, dragging a friend with me next week so we can hit that top portion!
Way to go, PJ! One of my long-term goals is to climb at least one of Colorado's fourteeners, so I really enjoy hearing about your hiking activities. I lived in Colorado for a few years, and have stayed in touch with a few friends there. I'm planning to challenge them to get in shape to do a fourteener with me next year some time. If they all chicken out, would you be game?
Hey Kellie!
Count me in on doing a fourteener - that would definitely qualify for one of my hikes! Years ago I tried to hike Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs and just about died - I didn't make it to the top, not even close. I would love to say I actually made it up one. As a matter of fact, I have an article I bookmarked on what you need to do to get ready for hiking 14'ers - I was using it to get ready for my backpacking trip in August. Here it is if you are interested in some reading - there are links on the right on how to get in shape for one.
I can't believe I am talking about hiking 14'ers - 8 months I couldn't walk to my car!