Anyone hear about the new show "Big Medicine?"
We watch TLC quite a bit, and tonight's episodes of "Little People Big World" made my sibling and I confirm that we were not raised in a democracy. I'd have been Toothless Kix if I sassed and challenged my parents as often as those kids talk back to Matt and Amy! Not only that, their youngest needs to be tasered until he starts behaving!
To answer your question, yes, I've seen the ads for this show. I plan to watch. I think it will be on at 7 PM for those of us in the time zone no one bothers to mention on TV (go, Mountain Time Zone!).
It looks interesting.
Have you watched any of the episodes of "Inside Brookhaven Obesity Clinic"? Now, that's a show that will give you high blood pressure (if you don't have it already). I get angry and sad at the same time when I watch it.
The only person that is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Live while you are alive