Gym Is Open (Monday)

on 5/14/07 1:57 am - Magna, UT
Due to back pain, I did not go to the gym this morning.  I took Saturday off from exercising in an attempt to get it better.  I walked about 2.5 miles yesterday and it is hurting like heck again.  Guess it is time to see a doctor. What did you do to move your body today? Lori
(deactivated member)
on 5/14/07 2:42 am
Yikes Lori, that's not good. As someone who has back problems, I highly recommend you going to the Dr. I wish I had when I first hurt it, I think it would of saved me from future problems. (well, that and not gaining 200 pounds!) I did my 32 minutes on eliptical, 15 minutes on bike and 20 minutes of weight training. I took yesterday off, I was so sore from the hike I could barely move. And it seemed to work, I was feeling pretty good today. I've got to tell ya, you know you are become addicted to exercise when you change hotels 3 times for a trip just to get a better workout room! I spent last night pouring over websites and pics to see what the best hotel would be for my nieces graduation, all based on their workout room.
on 5/14/07 3:15 am - Sacramento, CA
Hi Lori,  I am so sorry to hear about your back pain I hope you feel better soon and hurry to the doctor. Well today I woke up a little late so I only did 1 hour and 15 min but it had me sweating up a storm. I did 15 min on elliptical trainer and 57 min on the treadmill.  Feel better soon,  Lorraine
on 5/14/07 5:47 am - CO
Well, I haven't done much lately, but after nagging Dr. Grumpy half to death this morning, he said it was OK to resume armbike as long as I don't shear my leg getting on and off the equipment.  Now, who in the heck drags their leg getting on an armbike?  I'll start back to the rec center either tomorrow or Wednesday.  It will feel good to get back into exercise.  I was walking around the grocery store a bit after my doctor's appointment, and my knees are back to hurting again when I walk.  It's because I've been so inactive -- when I was doing treadmill, my knees and leg muscles were getting stronger. Sorry to hear about your back.  My sibling in Arizona has herniated discs, and she's always suffering.  Please get well soon! Kix



(deactivated member)
on 5/14/07 6:05 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hi, Lori - sorry your back is bothering you.  If it doesn't ease up soon, I'd agree with your thought about seeing a doctor; better to be proactive than sorry!   I went to the gym twice today.  The first visit was for two metabolic assessments:  my resting metabolic rate (RMR) and my exercise metabolic rates.  My RMR, which is the minimum number of calories my body needs on a daily basis just to exist, is a whopping 2,023 calories.  That does not include the calories I burn through regular daily activity or through exercise which is another 600-900 calories per day.  So if I wanted to maintain this weight and continue to exercise 6-7 times per week, I could eat around 2,500 calories per day.  Amazing.   The exercise metabolic rates tell me when I'm burning fat and when I'm burning other stored energy (from carbs or protein) at various heart rates.  This information, combined with the recommendations from the fitness person doing the test, will help me switch up my workout to improve my cardiovascular fitness even more.  The guy who did my assessment was very handsome, 30-something, very fit and very muscular; it made me feel great when he observed that my resting heart rate was lower than his, and he exercises more than I do!  Anyway, the entire experience was fascinating and I look forward to continuing to improve my cardiovascular health.   In terms of actually working out, I did 15 minutes on a spinning bike during my metabolic assessment.  Then I lifted weights for upper and lower body at lunch.  I was planning to do cardio after work, but I have a headache.  If the headache eases off enough, I may check the air in my bike tires and take it for an inaugural spin for the '07 cycling season.   Thanks for keeping the gym open.  And good luck with your back -  Kellie
future former fat chick
on 5/14/07 10:32 am - Baltimore, MD
Today 50 minute Hi/lo aerobics class followed by 20 minutes of abs and bun work. I am sorry to hear you're still having back problems, Lori.  Go to the doctor.  Go straight to the doctor,  do not pass "Go", do not collect $200......

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