Gym Is Open (Weekend)
I'm taking today off from exercise. I did get in my 5 days this week. I am still having back problems. I hope that tomorrow I can try out my new walking sticks that I bought. They are supposed to really give you a good upper body workout while relieving the stress on the knees. I will let you know.
What did you do to move your body this weekend?
Good for you for taking care of yourself - very important!
I did my weekend hike yesterday - 5 miles on a much more difficult trail that I thought it would be. And it was so hot - 91 degrees at 12pm - it wore us out. I think between my 6 miles of walking Friday and this hike my body is rebelling. So, today I am taking a day off. Need to let my muscles recoup.
I did see something really weird on the hike - we were at the top taking a nice break when we see this sort of black cloud moving toward us. It was a swarm of bees! It was a HUGE group and they flew by just like they were geese going south for the winter. It was the most bizarre thing I have ever seen, me and my hiking buddy ran faster than you can say "bee"! They didn't bother us at all but just imagine if they decided to stop and say hi - yikes!
And all this time I was worried about running into a rattle snake!
It sounds like you came across a bee swarm in a migration pattern. Interesting! Have you heard the news lately about giant swarms of bees disappearing? It is threatening many of our food crops that are only polinated by bees. Even though it is scary to see all the bees you saw, it gives me comfort that they can still be seen!
It was interesting - scary, but interesting. There has been lots of stories on the local news lately about bees stopping to rest on their way to wherever. Just last week they took over a parking meter in downtown Denver! The week before was a woman's tree in her backyard. You have got to wonder what's going on to make them change all their patterns and how so many are disappearing.