Gym Is Open (Friday)
Sorry to hear about your back my back went out on me once when I was over 400 not fun. Well I hope you feel better and take care of yourself. Today was my weight training day so only go in 65 min of cardio I did the treadmill for 45 min and elliptical for 20 min, then I hit the weight for 30 mins. I really need to keep working on my arms the are really looking bad. Well feel better talk to ya soon. Lorraine
Hi Lori, Thought I would join you guys today, I walked at lunch, I think about a mile, and tonite I will do at least 35 minutes on my bike. Take care of that back, several years ago I had major issues with my back and the pain was unbearable, thank goodness for a physical theapist that I feel saved my life. Have a great weekend, and Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there. Lynn
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!